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Sefa and his family supported Saiyara as she said her final goodbyes to her grandfather. Sefa, his parents, Jon, Trinity, Joshua, Joe, and Galina all attended the funeral in San Francisco.

Saiyara spoke at the funeral services. Among the family and friends who attended the service were Alazne, Saiyara's father, Óscar, his wife, Angie, and her siblings Dominik and Aalyah. The somber guests all wore traditional funeral attire.

Saiyara's grandfather died after suffering a heart attack in his home. Her mother found him in his bed holding a picture of his late wife.

Soon after his passing, Sefa traveled with Saiyara and her kids to San Francisco to comfort her and navigate her through the next few days during this tough time.

Although the two are barely in a relationship, Sefa knows he has to be there for her because like Sefa and his family always do, they will come together and support their loved ones in their most difficult time of need.

A couple of days later, they returned home after attending the funeral. Sefa barely left Saiyara's side. At this point, he was over at her house more than his own home. Saiyara had taken her grandfather's passing badly. He was the closest person to her.

"Come on, Sai, eat for me, please," Sefa said as he held up a spoon against Saiyara's lips.

Saiyara looked somber in all black with styled her long hair in a half ponytail as she bundled up in a blanket. "I'm not hungry," Saiyara told him.

"You haven't eaten since your dad came to see you," He said.

"I'm just not hungry, Sefa," She said.

Sefa sighed. He knows it's a devastating situation for Saiyara. He wants to do everything he can to support her. It kills him to see her like this.

"Okay, how about this...I'll make you some Panikeke if you eat this," He said with a small smile.

Sefa knows how much Saiyara loves Panikeke Lapotopoto. Panikeke is Samoan pancakes that resemble hush puppies more than actual pancakes, but they're sweet and airy.

Saiyara smiled a little bit. "Panikeke mmm I can't even remember the last time I ate them," She said.

"You can eat some now if you finish this soup my mom made for you to rebuild your strength," He said.

Saiyara nodded and opened her mouth for Sefa to feed her the homemade soup. Sefa smiled as he fed her. It was silent the whole time until Saiyara finished.

"Good girl," He said.

Saiyara playfully rolled her eyes. "I want my Panikeke now," She said.

Sefa chuckled. "I'll go make some now," He said, standing up from his spot on the couch.

Saiyara also stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked her. She pointed to the kitchen. "I'm coming to the kitchen to watch you make my Panikeke," She answered as she adjusted the blanket around her body.

Sefa led the way to the kitchen and placed the bowl in the sink before grabbing the ingredients for Panikeke that he had his mother bring him.

"So, not that I don't mind you being here, Sefa, but do you have plans to go back to your house?" She asked him as she took a seat at the kitchen island.

Sefa raised an eyebrow. "You ready for me to go, damn," He replied.

Saiyara shook he read no. "No, if anything you can stay as long as you like, especially with all that cooking you're doing," She said.

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