Chapter 18

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Dolph open the door and gently place Lana on the bed and he went to the bath room and ran warm water and added some bubbles and went back to her and said Lana are you okay and she didn't say a word at all and start to cry really hard and Dolph hug her and for a few minutes and he went back to the bathroom and turn the water off and he came back to Lana and said come with me and she got up and walk slowly to the bathroom and she kinda smile and she took the jacket off and her pants and gently went in the tub and Dolph took a wash cloth and gave it to her and she said Dolph thanks for what you did and he said no problem babe and Lana said do you mind if you want to join me in the tub and Dolph blush and smile and nod his head he took everything off and got him with her and Lana between his leg and layer there and Dolph kiss her neck and put his arm around her waist and they relaxed and few minutes later then eh decided to get out and Lana got out first and put a towel around her and then Dolph got too and put a towel around his waist and Lana put on her clothes and Dolph did too and Dolph decided to have a little fun and he came up to Lana and start tickling her and he kept doing that for a while and Lana was in the floor laughing really hard and said Dolph OK OK you can stop noe and He said nope and he kept going and then Lana had grabbed his hand and use her strength but he was stronger than he and he pinned her arm on the floor and look at he beautiful eyes and he lean in and he kiss and they was kissing passionate and they use tongue and he let go of Lana hand and she put her hand on his back and they kissed for a while then they broke up the kiss and was smiling at each each and Dolph help her up and the went to ed and cuddle and watch T.V and Dolph had kiss her on the cheek and she look into his eyes and Dolph said Lana I love you and Lana said awwwww I love you too and she kiss him for a few minutes and then they both fell ashlep

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