Chapter 5

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"There was a time when I thought I'd know you forever."

Author's POV

Waking up on one side, Hyunjin sighed and got up to shower. Meanwhile, on the other side, Jieun got up, smiled a bit, as today would be her day, and got into the shower.


Hyunjin immediately went to work, still feeling upset for not being able to see his love or hear her voice. Meanwhile, Jieun got dressed and went outside for breakfast with friends.

"Hey, babe! I missed you so much," Jennie said, hugging the life out of Jieun.

"Yeah, I missed you too! It's been so long since we last met," Jieun replied, smiling at her best friend.

"I know, right?"

"So, babygirl, how's life?" Jennie said, holding her hand as they sat down at a table in the corner with a window.

"Life is... well, life? I'm taking a break from Hyunjin. That's all," Jieun said, getting straight to the point.

"WHAT!?" Jennie exclaimed loudly, drawing attention from those around them.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" Jieun sighed, getting up to apologize for her best friend.

Sorry. But, are you serious, baby?" Jennie asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah. I'm tired of his behavior. And I'm tired of crying for him when he doesn't even know," Jieun said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, understandable. You need time to heal. And I'll be with you the whole time!" Jennie said cheerfully.

"Heheh. I love you so much. I've missed this," Jieun expressed.

"SAME!" Jennie yelled out.


"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, everyone," she apologized to those around them, her cheeks blushing slightly.

"Do you wanna get kicked out?" Jieun teased.

"No. Sorry," Jennie quickly responded.

"Fine. Apology accepted. How's your life? Enough with mine," Jieun redirected the conversation.

"Mine's... good. I have been spending most of my time with Dae-Jung since my best friend forgot I existed," Jennie teased with feigned hurt.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. You got to spend more time with your boyfriend because of me," Jieun pointed out.

"I still wanted to spend time with you," Jennie admitted genuinely.

"I... I'm sorry. Everything's been so messy lately. We'll spend a lot of time this month, I promise," Jieun assured her friend.

It's fine, baby. I missed this, but you did have a reason for it. I know you'd never leave me behind," Jennie said with a smile.

Jieun felt happy to hear that.

"I will never," she affirmed.

"I know," Jennie said, hugging her.

"Please, don't ever forget me even if you're busy," Jennie whispered as if she was about to break down.

"Hey. Hey. I won't. Okay? I will never. You'll always be my best friend. No one can replace you," Jieun said with a genuine smile.

Author's POV

Jieun felt a pang of sadness seeing her best friend on the verge of breaking down. She hadn't realized how tough the past month had been for Jennie. While Jieun thought Jennie was managing well, it turned out she was going through a challenging time too.

"What happened in the last month, Nini?" Jieun asked, genuine concern etched on her face.

"M-Mom had a car accident and went into a coma. It's been two weeks, but she hasn't woken up yet," Jennie shared, tears streaming down her face.

"...What?" Jieun whispered, her heart sinking. The news hit her hard, as Jennie's mother had been like a second mother to her, someone who cared for her when her mother couldn't.

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