Prologue | The last Goodbye | Prologue

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John looked upwards, He was terrified, Standing here in front of him was the same girl he watched die.
The woman in front of him was Charlie- Or was it? He wasn't entirely sure. Was this his friend, Or- No. He said to himself "It has to be Charlie" He thought.
But- That couldn't be Charlie at least not the real Charlie,

No the real Charlie was here buried underneath this tombstone. But this was a person, Sure she was an animatronic but she lived a life, She died protecting them. She made an impact on those who loved her. She made one on him, John felt tears in his eye, He felt those tears roll down his cheeks.
He realized the girl beneath this stone was Charlie but so is the woman in front of him.

John had no clear idea what think anymore, If they weren't both Charlie then had he ever known her? He didn't want to think about this..

He decided she had the same claim to the name of the young girl taken by Afton all those years ago. He believed he truly met her- or at least he wasn't sure if he had met the girl underneath the ground. But the girl in front of him was his Charlie... He looked at the girl- Charlie- again. "Charlie-" He almost choked on the word. Sobs were racking in John's mind as the girl slowly pulled closer.

She smiled at him, though he wanted to move he stood still. Charlie looked at him her face stiffened into a sad look, She was terrified aswell. but she had decided to fight it, hiding it, putting on a brave face just for him as she spoke.

"Hello John".

"Is- Is it really you" John asked quietly.

"I'm not sure anymore." She stated sadly. The woman look at the grave that now lied in front of her unsure as how she should feel.

"Charlie" John spoke. "You are Charlie." He said looking now at her grave and then back at her, meeting her eyes.

"She died. Charlie is dead." The woman spoke.

"No, You are our Charlie you are MY Charlie.. and you always have been, Your Jessica's best friend, You are the real Charlie." He affirmed starting to see his friend tear up.

"John." "I'm a robot.." "I'm not alive. I've never- I"

"No!!" He stammered "You may be a robot but you are real, the emotion, the memory, the love. All of it was real!" "Right?" He asked.

"I mean.." John started.. "look at you- you have tears in your eyes, blood pumping through your veins.. you- you are real.."

Charlie Smiled at John, She stared sadly at his eyes, she then reached out her hand.
John took her hand and they embraced in a hug.

The hug between the two friends had lasted longer than both expected, John exhaled... pulling away..

"I love you Charlie" John stated.

"I- I alway have..." John yet again teared up..




"I love you too John" Charlie said softly before backing up and turning away.

As the robot girl faced away... she had tears running down her face... she didn't want to face John..

"Where are you going??" John Asked her.



"Home.." She said softly...

Before turning around... and hugging him one last time..

"John.." Charlie asked..

The male looked down at her. "What.. what's on your mind.."

Charlie gave a very guilty look.. "I killed her... I- can't live with that... if anyone was real it was her... she was just in pain and Afton.. just like he caused us so much pain.. she was.. in so much more..."

"Charlie... I understand..." he looked down as she let go and backed up again.

"John?" Charlie asked again.

John stared into her eyes, as if asking yes?

"Don't tell the others... don't tell them anything.. about this. Please? Promise me..."

"But- but I don't-" John began.

"No.. just do it." Charlie finished.

John nodded and watched as she walked into the sunset..




A few hours later...

John stepped out of his car and walked towards the diner, he spotted a familiar purple vehicle to his left and he walked forward opening the door and walking into the building towards a booth. He would then drop himself in front of Jessica.

Jessica had previously tried calling John several times, worrying about both him and Charlie. She had him promise he'd bring himself and Charlie to the dinner..

When Jessica saw he had arrived without her, she assumed the worst.

John stared at her eyes, She stared back both of them worried about the reason they were there. They were there to talk about her.
They hadn't talked sense the whole Circus Baby's nightmare.. it had been a few days since, a lot happened.. John had met with Charlie two days after he saw her die....

Jessica was worried, And She spoke up.

"What happened John?" She asked, her voice sweet and sorrowful.

"I- I don't" he stammered shyly.

He planned on keeping his promise about not telling anyone.. it would be a hard thing to keep for him though.

"She's Okay, Right?" She asked as tears started to form.

"I- She's-" he replied.

John wanted nothing more but to tell Jessica that Charlie was at least alive... but yet again, John hadn't even told anyone she was a robot..

"Hurt?" Jessica asked Worried.

John stared into her eyes for about a minute in silence, then sadly looked at the floor.

"Dead..?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

The Charlie they knew was dead... not in a fully physical way, bet metaphorically she was.. and John wanted nothing more but to find her and bring her back to her friends..


"Dead.." was all John could say before they both started to cry..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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