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-Present Times-

I'm really successful now since Highschool.

Highschool was very traumatic for me. Every second there was agony.

I learned what i needed and passed all my classes yet i was the school's known dork

I was really skinny because I barley ate and really tall

I would get called Jack instead of Jacob because i was known to be Jack skeleton from nightmare before christmas

I would be beaten by jocks and popular guys. And teased by girls and cheerleaders who cheered all around me how ugly and skinny i was

The bullying also affected with My right hand man Rui. He now works for me.

One girl who did it to me the most was my crush Y/n

Thanks to her i am where i am today

Thanks to her i am where i am today

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-The Bully's Psychopath-

She said she hated me, spit on me, kicked me, and pushed me around all in front of her friends

And she would leave me with more bruises than anyone. But the reason why she was still my crush was because on the last day of school she beat me.

I still remember like it was yesterday

She dragged me all the way to the girls bathroom and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me

I stood there in shock confused as hell

She locked then door and told me how much she hated me for being me and super skinny and being a pushover

She told me she did everything she did was hoping one day i would snap and go off on her or anyone who bullied me but clearly i didn't

She kissed me again and again until her lips trailed down and she sucked me off and gave me her body taking my virginity

Its been 10 years since then and i did everything for her

Even killed my parents when they got in the way

I graduated college and got in the gym and worked on my appearance

I'm 28 years old and a successful business man...way more successful then my parents were...ima Trillionaire who can make things or people go away whenever i want

Them people in highschool thought my parents was bad now i was worse

Everyone in my city i had there homes take from them and they had to either work for me or be homeless

All thanks to my family and her advice

I did snap all that time away from her because after that I became obsessed and it just grew over those 10 Years

I wanted her...

I needed her...

And i had to find her and i did. It took me a year but with money anyone can be found

I'm gonna get my revenge back for that hell of highschool moment from all who bullied me and i'm gonna take y/n and give her what she wanted but worse

Even tho i love her. I can't let what she did slide. My whole highschool life was shit and for four years of her life now i will return the favor

-At Her Home-

I had on my suit trying to come off as some salesman

I had on my suit trying to come off as some salesman

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I could've had people to do this for me. Especially Rui but i wanted to do this since its personal

I knocked on the until she answered with a smile and my heart started to beat faster

Y-Hi hello and u are?

J-Hi my name is Jack Wilson

Y-oh hello can i help u with something?

She seems so nice...is this really Y/n?

J-Is ur parents or mom home?

Y-parents or mom? I live with my husband and kid...i'm a parent and mom myself

She chuckled...her laugh is the same...


J-oh well are they home?

Y-my kid is in daycare and my husband is sleeping

J-oh ok well i have something to give u can u hold my book real quick?

Y-yea sure-

As soon as she grabbed it i placed a gun at her neck

J-you scream ill fucking plaster ur blood all over ur wall for ur kid to see...


J-since ur husband is sleep u can peaceful come with me and he can live for now...I take it ur Bestie is next door


J-its ok u don't have to tell me because I already know. I hope she has a field day with ur husband while ur gone...That is until i kill them

Y-what the hell is that supposed to mean-

J-follow me

I grabbed her arms as i stuck the gun in her back and took her to my black 2025 Chevrolet Suburban Suv

I put her in the back and closed the door

I got in and she was trying to open it and i shook my head starting the car

J-don't bother its child lock just be still

My car trapped her and strapped her in the seat belts and she gasped


J-this is ur karma Y/n and what u wanted

Y-how do u know my name?...


She thought about for a while but then realized

Y-Jack...Jack Skeleton?-

J-don't fucking call me that!...

Y-i should've known ur one of those rich guys now...Jacob Day...u finally made a name for yourself...Taking after Daddy i suppose. Ur even worse then ur parents-

J-shut up

Y-a name besides Jack-

J-what did i just say?!


J-will die and ur husband will too u call me Jack again...u will live with me for the next 4 years and go through what i had to go through every day at school but ur off days will be Saturday and Sunday since those were the only days i had freedom from u and ur popular friends...this is what happens to bitches and bullies like u

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