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‼️ M@ture C0ntent Ahead ‼️
⚠️ You have been warned ⚠️ 

-Nate Pov-

They came over to me and I protest. I put my hands up and I called Y/n's name but she said nothing.

As they came over to me they pulled their shirts off. One grabbed my hand but i snatched away from him.

Another one pulled me to him but I punched him. It actually affected him, he spat the blood out from his mouth.

He looked pissed. He rush over and grabbed my hair, making me grunt. He punched me in the face.


I said throwing punches but I might've as well been punching the air because that's what it felt like.

Two of them grabbed my arms pulling me on the floor I kicked one of them.

I heard him grunt only for him to grab my leg and spread my legs. My eyes widen.

I looked over at Jacob and I screamed.



I looked at him in horror as he had a wide grin on his face smiling as he tried to hold in his laugh covering his mouth

What scared me the most was the insane look in his eye, as the pupils in his eyes shrunk looking down upon me.

The cold stare as he held eye contact with me made my blood run cold

Bald guy1-use teeth and you're dead.

Bald guy1-use teeth and you're dead

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-The Bully's Psychopath-

-Nate Pov-

I didnt know what to do I was powerless, I was stuck about to get my manh00d taken as my wife sat there and watched.

One of them grabbed my lower body, I immediately felt a wet substance on my a$$.

N-N0 N0 N0 PLS!

They ignored my pl£as as if I said nothing. He spread my l£gs wide and thru$ted inside of me. I felt myself being r¡pped apart.


I cried, tears streaming from my eyes. I felt myself gushing bl00d.

One grabbed me sp¡tt¡ng on my face. He sl@pped me hard laughing, and at that point i couldn't even comprehend what was going on.

He f0rced my mouth open putting his c0ck in my mouth, and he thrusted over and over again, causing the guy in the back to go harder.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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