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"Mara where are you?"

A voice called out through the empty hollow space. Mara paid no mind to it, she was too enthralled by the flowery drawings on the walls. They were barely visible, but she knew they were there in fact, she drew them on herself. She ran her hands over the rough surface that was once smooth. The cold stone sent shivers down her spine; it was almost comforting.

"I am leaving without you! You know I hate this place!" the voiced yelled again and Mara rolled her eyes.

"Then leave Athena! No one told you to follow me!"

After a couple of minutes, she could hear Athena's footsteps leave the building. Coming to the ruins of her old home became somewhat of a tradition for Mara, a tradition that her older sister Athena hated. The war ruined the only place they once called home and took their parents with it. Coming back to these ruins brought Mara some comfort, but it did the opposite for Thena, it opened her old wounds. That is why Mara never blames her for not wanting to be here in the space that was once their childhood home, but Thena always insisted on accompanying her because she's always worried that one of the members of the Council of Light, or Light Ones, would be there.

The Council of Light is a feared group of rebels. They are blood thirsty and ruthless. In this world there is right and wrong, good and bad, and lastly, magic and no magic. Their goal was to rid the world of non magical beings so, they would enter villages and go door to door hunting down any non-magical beings.

On the day of the attack on their village Mara and Athena were in the woods collecting ingredients for a potion. Both of them were born with no magical abilities except their exceptional talent in alchemy. Some might say that, that gift itself is magical, but unless you can conger up a mythical creature or make something appear out of thin air, something like turning wood into gold is unimpressive. Childs play.

That logic never made sense to Mara, her father was a well known alchemist who made medicines for everyone, medicine people traveled far and wide for, even the Council of Light had to know of her father yet he was no exception. Her parent's death was mourned across the realm which made it even more detrimental for her and her sister to hide immediately. 

Mara could still sense the death in the room even after it happened two years ago.

Suddenly the atmosphere shifted. Nature became quiet and the walls that were normally icy blocks, heated up slightly.
"What are you doing here?"

Mara's body went cold. The voice was coming from right behind her. She could feel the magic radiating off of the mysterious person and she knew immediately that she's encountering a Light One.

Mara slowly turned around and was met by a pair of dark brown eyes.
The Council member was a woman with long black hair tied back into a braid. Her dark brown eyes were big and doe-like. She was dressed in a long black gown with a beautiful lacy cape and she was wearing black gloves. She looked like a mourning bride.

"What are you doing here?" she asked again. Mara couldn't help, but notice her red lips and perfect makeup. Suddenly a dagger appeared in her gloved hand and she smiled at her sweetly.

"You're not going to kill me," Mara said.The mysterious woman stepped forward, the floors creaked beneath her feet. Suddenly Angie realized who was standing in front of her.

"And why is that?" she asked," come on... Humor me."

"I know who you are... Shabina Venus. I know how much trouble you're in and I know how to help."

Shabina stared at the young girl in front of her. She was almost worried, but then she saw her wipe her hands on her blue gown, she's nervous.
"What could you possibly help me with little girl? Make it quick. I am starting to forget why I have kept you alive."

"Your heart was ripped out of your chest. You are basically a walking corpse. I also know that you won't be able to make it past the thirteenth in three months without a heart... I can get you one."

"Oh really? You and what magic?" Shabina said.

"If you kill me, you'll never find out and then I'll just be meeting you in hell after next week anyway."

Shabina tried to dive into the girls' head, she sifted through thoughts and memories trying to find any indication that she's lying, but there was nothing. This girl was being serious. Shabina was mesmerized by Mara's green eyes. She might just go along with this nonsense just to continue staring into those green eyes.

"Alright... I think you're full of it, but you are quite the sight. You find me a heart little girl."

"I am not a little girl," Mara said, Shabina took a step closer and Mara could feel her chest tighten. Why was her body reacting to this woman? Was she making her that uncomfortable?

Shabina step closer until her face was inches away from Mara's. The dagger in her hand was held firm against Mara's side and Shabina smiled her sweet smile again.

With that she vanished. The air felt light again and a faint scent of lavender lingered. Mara touched the cold stone wall again and leaned her cheek against it.

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