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Mara woke up before her sister. She crawled over to her side of the room and took out her Sandsteun from underneath her pillow. Every person in the magical realm had a little piece Sandsteun, a special stone dug from the earth of the light fairies that when it's held up to the sun it can tell you at which part of the day you are. It was easy to get Sandsteun if you knew where to look and for Athena-Timora Baard, as anxious and stressed as she is, it was easy to find. She always knew exactly were to look. Mara held it up to the sun and it shown a bright shade of red, that meant that the sun just barely rose. 

She glanced over to Athena to make sure she was still fast asleep. Mara was aware of her sister's sleeping habits, she was also aware that if Athena woke up right now she wouldn't be able to get out of the house and she did not know why, but she had to go back to the ruins of her old house.

She scribbled a little note on a piece of paper so that Athena didn't worry too much when she eventually woke up. Mara looked down at her clothes impressed by what she was wearing today. Because the two sisters are in hiding it is crucial that they are not too recognizable to the people so Mara made sure to wear something new and different every day to be extra cautious incase she had a shadow. Her hair was tied back into a low ponytail, it made it easier to hide under the hood of her cape, she had also decided to wear a grey shirt and black trousers. It wasn't uncommon for women in the magical realm to wear trousers, they just preferred dresses, this realm tried hard to keep it's aesthetic.

She decided against taking the last piece of bread and ventured off into the woods without breakfast, she was not that hungry anyway.

The air was cool, Mara's favorite part of the day was early morning. The crisp air stung when she inhaled, it was uncomfortable in the best way. The ground was wet and the frost on the grass was thick, it was almost too beautiful to ruin, but Mara had no choice because she could not afford to take the same route to the old house as she did yesterday. She always tried to alternate her routes every other day. It was actually her sister's protocol and the least she can do is follow that rule since she often breaks all the other ones.

Shabina felt herself drifting off, the Counsel meetings got more and more boring as the weeks pass. She found herself slowly scanning her surroundings. Every day this very room, the conference room, seems to change. It was no secret that the Light Castle was alive, but when you see it happen in front of your eyes you are in awe of the raw power the Castle holds. Malik, the leader of the Light Ones, started the meeting off with his usual rambling.

"As you are aware we have some very important matters to discuss..."
Every week there was some new important matter to discuss. Shabina was sure that Malik Trust was just a man who loved his own voice. 

Malik Trust. A warlock. The only son of the Trust family, they were known for only birthing girls so when baby Malik came along he was the apple of everyone's eye, the first son of the family. He got the best clothes, the best education and he also stole the hearts of every woman he came across. His ego never failed to amaze Shabina. Malik and his strong, baby soft hands, ripped the heart right out of Shabina's chest. The smell of his spearmint cologne was the last thing she smelled before she saw her own heart pumping in his hand.

Sitting next to Malik on his left was Toolsie, a succubus and her twin brother Nec, an incubus. A terrible pair those two. Always attached to the hip, they even wear coordinating outfits and their clothes were always see through or barely covering their bodies. Their burgundy colored hair was also one of their features that you can't miss along with their a dark blue eyes... they were flawless, beautiful creatures and hard to resist. Shabina never fell for their seduction, she was not interested in groups and as it was mentioned, they were attached to the hip. They loved to share.

 Lastly, to Malik's right was the love of his life, Rose. She is a nature fairy and she was also Shabina's ex best friend. Shabina trusted her with her life until she found out that Rose worked with the Light Ones to capture Shabina. Because Shabina was so in love with Rose, and Rose knew that all too well, Rose lured her into the gardens one night and there Shabina was captured by the Light Ones and she has been a part of their horrid group ever since. She also did not have her heart so she was unable to escape back to the fairy world, but she had enough power for simple teleportation and that is how she escapes the walls of the Light Castle every day. 

"Shabina?" she heard someone say her name and she was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts.

"Yes, oh Lord shitface," she said when she realized that is was Malik who ruined her thoughts.

"Very funny. Remember one-"

"Wrong move or escape plan and you'll blow Fairy-East to bits, I know. Give me some new threats please this one is getting old. I mean, Lord Shitface, it has been 10 months. I think it's safe to say that I am abiding by your dumbass rules," Shabina says getting up for her seat. Toolsie starts giggling and Shabina could see Nec struggling to contain his laughter too.

"Sooner or later you have to respect me-"

"Malik, I am your prisoner, I am not suppose to like you and I will definitely never respect you." 

Shabina looked around the room to see where the Light Castle placed the door and to her luck the door appeared behind her so she did not have to walk past the others to get out of the room. 

"I did not say that the meeting was finished," Malik said, his brown eyes were piercing into her soul and the sight of Malik getting so upset made her very happy. 

"Let her leave, it's not like we need her right now anyway," Rose said. She placed her hand on Malik's tensed up fists in an attempt to try and soothe him. That almost made Shabina laugh, how could someone be so fake?

Shabina waited impatiently for the Castle to open the door as it only opens when Malik gives the go ahead. Until he says the words Shabina is stuck in the room.

"Oh my, Malik it seems like your girl still has a soft spot for our lovely little prisoner," Nec said in a teasing voice. 

"Maybe even a wet spot," Toolsie said and that cause the twins to burst out laughing. Malik looked like he was ready to start spitting fire and Shabina just had to push him over the edge.

Shabina walked closer to the table and spoke.
"Definitely a wet spot, I'm surprised that she doesn't need me right now, that's not what she used to say remember? You used to need me so much you begged for me Rose." 

The vines on Rose's skin produced bright red flowers and she quickly started to pluck them off as if the rest of the room didn't see them the moment they sprouted. The twins laughed even louder and Shabina loved it. The nature of her relationship with Rose was obvious from the start even though Rose denied it. Anything beyond friendship was always met with a serious denial from Rose, but her flowers make it hard for her to lie because their colors are a direct reflection of her true feelings. For the sake of Malik's fragile ego it is never brought up, but Shabina has no respect for him.
"Katools, Nec, did I ever tell you guys that  I was a clown, remember Rose? I had my  very own squirting flower-"

"GET OUT!" Malik screamed and the door of the conference room flew open.

"No! We wanna know about the squirting flower!" the twins complained.

Shabina smiled in satisfaction and walked out of the room. 
"Wait! Shabina!" 

The twins chased after her, but she had already teleported out of the Castle. They walked back into the conference room where Malik was still fuming and Rose sat next to him relieved to have gotten rid of all the little red flowers. 

"Hey Rose, how about you tell us about the flower?" Toolsie said and the vines on Rose's skin shot out even more little red flowers. 

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