The aftermath

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I wake up the morning after, I just smile to myself of what happened last night event though it was just a blur because I was so drunk. Eventually I got up out of bed and made my way downstairs, I heard talking in the kitchen, so I went straight to the kitchen. I opened the door and I was met with leah and katie talking in thw kitchen.
"Morning" I said
"Morning, how did you sleep?" Leah replied, while katie stayed quiet
"Alright, you?" I ask
"Ya grand" leah replied.

I turn to look at katie,but she's already looking at me. Our eyes meet, but katie just gives me a slight smile then turns away quickly. Shit did leah or her say something before I came down. I brush it off hoping it's nothing. I make myself a coffee and some toast then head to the dining table, I'm on my phone when I could hear someone sit down next to me. I look up to see leah she has a nervous but concerned look on her face.
"What happened?" I ask
"W-what do you mean?" Leah asks
"I mean what happened before I came into the kitchen with you and katie?" I ask really wanting to know the answer to my question.
"Let's just say..." leah says while taking her time trying to find the words
"Oh cmon leah I'm shiting myself here!" I say.
" ok ok fine, look katie isn't really happy with the actions she did last night... I'm sorry y/n... I didn't want to be the one to break it to you but... Katie's in a relationship with... rue... ruesha" leah says.
"Oh" I say with tearing forming in my eyes.
Leah cups my face " don't cry y/n" she says as she wipes away my tears with her thumbs.
" but leah she doesn't understand that shes got me in the palm of her hand... I'm addicted to her, and only her... I'm surviving on her. And I'm so inlove with her, do anything she tell me too, I wanna see her every move... but she don't understand I'm addicted to her!" I cry out to leah.
"I know, I know y/n...she doesn't understand" leah says pulling me into a hug.

Katie walks into the room. I pull away from leah and quickly wipe my eyes hoping it doesn't look like it was crying.

"Er... are you... erm.. ok?" Katie asks knowing I'm upset about her.
"Ya I'm fine" I say with a fake smile.

Katie's pov
I could tell y/n put on a fake smile as I entered the room. Fuck I fucked up again, exactly like the way I messed up before. I know we need to talk so I think this might be the time to.

"Leah could you just leave us to for five minutes please?" I ask leah

"Ya, no bother" leah says getting up out the chair, letting me to sit where leah was sitting before.

"Look I know your upset about me and I understand, I fucked up again, big time" I tell y/n

"Ya you did katie, I don't think I can trust you again" y/n says

"No, please y/n please, trust me" I plead

"Katie, I want to trust you but trust isn't something you get, it's something you earn and you might have lost all your chances to earn it again" y/n says

I could feel the tears form in my eyes.

"I know that's understandable but just hear me out for one minute please" I ask y/n

"I'm listening"she says

"There's a thousand things I've wanted to say, but I've never been brave, no I've never been brave... And you deserve the whole world... an island to yourself, your an island in yourself. And I think its time, that I tell you, how I feel, this is how I feel. And I get lost when I'm with you. And you'll hear me say, never change baby stay the same lady, that I've known for so long never change.

There's a hundred places I've wanted to see, would you see them with me. And I don't care where we go, cause you are home, you are my home. And we can stay in cheap hotels, let's just pay to entertain ourselves.

And I will take you with me every where I go, pack your bags and leave it baby. I want you to know... that loving you is easy thought I'd tell you so..." I say as I breathe out heavily.
I look up to see a smile on y/ns face, I couldn't help but smile back. I heard leah giggle outside the door as she was outside earsdropping.
"Shut up leah!" I shout
I look back to see y/n trying to hold in her laugh. God she's beautiful when she laughs.

"Look I like you I really do...but..." y/n says

"I don't want to hear it because of the but!" I say

"I know know don't want to hear it but you NEED to hear it katie"

"Fine what is it" I say

"I like you but your inlove with someone right now, your in a healthy relationship katie and you know it more than anyone here right now you just won't admit it, and I don't know why you won't admit it because if I was in a healthy relationship, I'd love to be talking about it 24/7, but I don't know why you won't admit it" y/n says

"Ya, ya your right" I admit

"Ya, I'm always right" y/n says lightning the mood

I laugh at y/ns joke

"But I'll wait" y/n adds.

"I'll always wait for you, katie, always" y/ns says getting up out of her chair and goes towards me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

I can't help but smile at the kiss, but beat myself up about ruesha but also about y/n...

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