Chapter 1: The grand opening

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The nine golden ticket's winners awas ready to entering in the famous factory, Veruca was screaming to her father to open the gate, Augustus was eating a Wonka chocolate barret, Violet was chewing a gum when her father is tolding her she can win the competition, Mike was fixing his cowboy hat, Marvin and his mom arwere flexing theirself on the mirror, Miranda was reading a math book, Julia was fixing her make-up with the mother and Kevin was trying to making everyone to trusting him and Charlie was looking around. 

Miranda's POV:

Everyone looks stupid, it wil be so easy winning this", help, why Mike is looking at me in an angry way?

Mike's POV:

I hate Miranda, she's only a spoiled nerd, she wants delete the video games!

Marvin's POV:

Maybe I'll flirt with a girl? maybe...

Julia's POV:

I know I will be the winner of the competition I'll indimidate Violet, she looks like a competitor too...

(Skip time)

At the hours 11:00 a.m. the doors of the gate of the Wonka's chocolate factory get opened and a man exited from the factory said: "Hi stars from the sky! I am Willy Wonka! Are your ready for the most amazing tour?" Everyone thinked he was the real Willy Wonka. Mr.Wonka said: "Dear contestants, give me the golden tickets, whe have so much time and less things to see! NO, we have less time and so much things to see!" after this the nine kids gived their tikets to Wonka and entered in the factory.

My version of the tour in the Wonka chocolate factoryWhere stories live. Discover now