Chapter 3: The Wonka Tunnel

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Hours 11:45 a.m. . After Augustus' demise Wonka called a big boat where the eigth families remined went up. Violet asked: "what is it?" and Wonka said: "It's my personal boat, a candy boat!" Veruca said to her father: "Dad, I want a candy boat!" on the boat Marvin sitted with Miranda and said to her: "See Miranda, not every day you can stay with an andwesome boy, and..." and Miranda answered: "I'll think up..." 

Miranda's POV:

"I'll never like him, he's a narcisist! It's better if I stayed at home..."

No one's POV:

Mike went up on the boat and pushed Miranda, saying: "Make space Piker." Julia and Kevin added: "Yes, make space Piker!". Charlie asked to Violet: "Violet, why you don't stop to chew?" and Violet answered annoyed: "I am a WINNER. And the winners never stop to win and making records". At one certain point Wonka said: "Turn on the lights!" and Charlie asked: "Where are we going, Wonka?" and Wonka said: "We don't know." and the boat entered in a dark tunnel and everyone screamed. Every second the boat was going faster for some seconds and Miranda said: "All of this hasn't got a sense." and Mr.Beaugrade added: "Yes Wonka, stop the boat!" then Mr.Wonka screamed: "Stop the boat!" and the boat was stopped in front of a room called: "Inventing room"

My version of the tour in the Wonka chocolate factoryWhere stories live. Discover now