You're shark bait!

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(In a boat, the greatest oc's were having a good time)

Generous: (Sighs) Thanks again for renting this boat Twistar.

Twistar: Eh, it was the least I could do.

Rose: (Sighs as she was sunbathing) Anything that you want for a fun vacation trip.

Thunder: That's your idea or a trip Twi? Fishing for stinky fish or something in a smelly old boat on a filthy lagoon? Why is this fun?

Twistar: Hey, be lucky that Delilah is too busy with schoolwork and isn't here to see this.

Little Miss Crazy: Yeah, come on now, Thunder. A group at sea with nothing to do but throw their pretty lines in the water, catch a few fish (Catches a fish then she throws it back) and then throw them back. Don't you think that's fun?

Thunder: No.

Evelyn: Apparently, you never went fishing.

Catherine: Hey, Thunder, you want me to cast out over here so you can watch me?

Thunder: How about you cast out over there so I can relax?

Catherine: Okay! (Casts her line behind herwhich catches on a magazine. She brings her line forward and casts it in the sea)

Thunder: Hey, watch where you're swinging that... (Catherine casts a chair out in the sea hitting Thunder in the face) Catherine, be careful with...

(She hooks Thunder's face sticker and a loud rip is heard and Thunder screams loudly in pain offscreen, then he walks up to the girls with his sticker torn off)

Thunder: Okay, I've had enough.

Bong: (Laughs hysterically) How did you- (Keeps laughing uncontrollably)

Generous: Oh, Thunder, you got to lighten up.

Catherine: (Still casting out items while Generous talks to Thunder)

Generous: Sure Catherine's a bit too excited right now, but you've got to learn to roll with the punches, go with the flow.

Clara: And don't bring anything on a boat that you ain't prepared to lose!

Generous: Yeah, and if you don't like it here any longer, we can leave and go somewhere else if you want.

(The hook in Catherine's fishing rod touches Rose's collar and she gasps)

Rose: No, my collar!!! (Catherine rips the collar off and casts it to the sea) Catherine, wait! Catherine, you hooked my collar on the back swing! Reel it in this instance!!!

(Ominous orchestral music begins playing)

Rose: (Widens her eyes) Oh, no. Catherine, quick, reel it in! Can't you hear the music?! That's a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! Every sailor knows that means death! Reel it in before it's too late! Hurry, Catherine, the music's getting faster! Reel my collar before some shark eats it!!!!

(Catherine reels it in as fast as she can. Rose opens the doors to the live-action orchestra)

Rose: There you are, you stinking bilge rats! (To the trumpeters) Stop playing that music! (To the conductor) Stop it, please! (To the violinists) I'm begging you! Come on, honey, you can make it. Swim faster! Come to me, baby! Come on back! Hurry, Catherine.

Catherine: Here she comes. (Manages to reel the collar in) She made it!

Rose: (Holds up the collar and cheers) For a second or two, I thought she was a goner!

(Ominous orchestra music plays again. Suddenly, a giant white shark jumps up and takes Rose's collar. It takes a while for Rose to notice her collar isn't in her paws anymore as the shark swims away)

The greatest oc's the series: Season 8Where stories live. Discover now