Survival of the nutjobs

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(It was Winter time, and Little Miss Crazy and Mr. Looney are running down the block jumping up and down)

Little Miss Crazy: (Hyperactive, in time with Mr. Looney) Alright, we're gonna go to see Cuddles and Camelia house! Yeah! Ha-ha! Cuddles, Camelia, we're on our way to your house! Ha-ha-ha...

Mr. Looney: (Hyperactive, in time with Miss Crazy) Yay! Yay! Ha-ha! I'm gonna beat you there! I'm gonna... ah, it's gonna be fun! Ah-ha...

(They freeze in mid-run when they see Camelia's house is enclosed with wood planks on the doors and windows. The two walk up to the front door, which has a "Keep Out" sign on it)

Little Miss Crazy: Cam? Cuddles? Hey, what's with the sign?

(A nearby TV shows Camelia and Cuddles in pajamas eating food)

Mr. Looney: Look, they're on the Eating Channel.

Cuddles: (On TV) Hello! (While eating) If y'all are watching this, that means me and Cam are asleep for the winter. This sleep is called hibernation.

Camelia: During hibernation, animals don't like to be woken up. So, do not disturb! That means you, oc's.

Little Miss Crazy: Never mind, Mr. Looney. They said not to come in. Let's am-scray.

Mr. Looney: When are you gonna learn, Miss Crazy? Some animals that are evolved don't need hibernation.

Little Miss Crazy: Mr. Looney, listen, how many times do we have to-?

Mr. Looney: Miss Crazy, look at this snow! It's a vast, swirling wonderland of sparkling white pleasure. Let it fill your senses with cascading, fluffy pillows of excitement and comfort as you've never felt before.

Little Miss Crazy: (Teary-eyed) Wow, Mr. Looney, that was beautiful.

Mr. Looney: Yeah, it reminds me of when we went skating and Dillydale was covered in snow. (Tries to catch snowflakes with his tongue)

(They both cheer and burrow themselves in the snow. They pop back up with their noses covered in snow. Then, they hear a weird sound)

Mr. Looney: Miss Crazy, did you hear that?

Little Miss Crazy: I think it came from inside. Let's check it out.

Mr. Looney: (Grabs a crowbar and breaks off the planks of the front door. Then uses a paper clip to unlock it)

Little Miss Crazy: Good going!

(They went inside and looked around. They reach the bedroom and gasp at the sight of two sleeping bears)

Little Miss Crazy: Look what's in their bed! (They walk over to the bed, where Camelia and Cuddles are asleep in hibernation)

Mr. Looney: Looks like they're stuffed teddy bears!

Little Miss Crazy: I think those things are Cuddles and Camelia...

Mr. Looney: I guess I was wrong about evolved animals and hibernation. And it looks like hibernation must mean the opposite of beauty sleep for them.

Camelia: (Snoring, talking in sleep) I've had enough of your dastardly deeds, Dirty Dan. I'm gonna get you and your partner, Pinhead Larry or my name ain't Sheriff... Camelia... (Snores)

Little Miss Crazy: (Giggles) She must be dreaming about far West outlaws. (The two giggle) Look out, Cuddles, I'm Dirty Dan.

Cuddles: (Talks in his sleep) Oh please, don't hurt me!

Camelia: I'm gonna catch you and throw you in jail at taxpayers' expense.

Little Miss Crazy: Ooooh, you better run faster, Camelia!

The greatest oc's the series: Season 8Where stories live. Discover now