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Daisuke Igarashi would be held in the brig, until his punishment which has been set for a week from the day of the second task

As he was going over his usual reports his personal mirror buzzed signaling he was receiving a call, he pulled it out yo see fleur's face, he smiled

"What can I do for you, love" I asked in French

"Could we come aboard" fleur asked, also in french

"We" I asked, she bit her lip

"Me and my parents" she said

"Fleur this is military battleship, not  pleasure cruise" I said

"May i" a male voice asked, and fleur handed him the mirror

"I am jean-sebastian delacour the III, head of the house of delacour, and head of the French magical law enforcement office, i am wishing to discuss your involvement in rescuing my youngest daughter" jean-sebastian said

"I see, very well Mr delacour, I will allow you aboard, give me a moment to send someone to collect you" I said

"Thank you" he said returning the mirror i as cut it off, and sent a midshipman to collect the delacours, and have the brought directly to my office

"Mr. Delacour, I do not appreciate you bullying your way onto my ship" I said

"My apologies, captain our options however were quite limited if we wish to meet you in a timely manner, my daughter has already told us, you don't leave this vessel except when you take my daughter on dates, and i do not with to disturb the first man my daughter though good enough to actually date, both she and my wife would kill me" jean-sebastian said trying to male light of the situation considering the deadpan look of hayato he had failed rather spectacularly

"And what is so important that you had to meet me, if it's about me and your daughter dating we haven't gotten further then kissing of which she initiates all of it, i will be exceedingly annoyed" I said

"I do wish to speak of that, but later, our primary purpose was thanking you for rescuing gabrielle" jean-sebastian said

"Just doing the job I signed up for when I joined the navy, protecting magical life, i saved all of them for that reason with help from mr diggory he will be receiving an invitation to join our academy next year, the fact your daughter is related to the girl i am dating also helped a bit" I said

"Well you have the thanks of my family regardless" jean-sebastian said as he watched the boy literally wave away his thanks, he could somewhat see why fleur was infatuated with the boy

"now onto fleur" jean-sebastian said with a smile as he watched the boy roll his eyes

"that is a discussion me and fleur should be having ourselves, but since i doubt you will drop the subject at that, then i will make a magical oath right now, that tells you the speed of our relationship is currently dictated by her, i have not, nor will i ever, push or encourage anything, i will wait until she is ready to take that step, and then when she is ready the both of us will sit down and talk about what we want out of this relationship" i said

"that isn't necessary, i was more referring to a betrothal contract between you and her" an expression flashed very quickly in his eyes, and jean-sebastian wasn't quite able to make out what it was

"that is fleurs decision first, and i would prefer if we had that discussion about our relationship first. a betrothal contract is a very serious thing, it will essentially make us engaged to each other" i said

"should we give you the room then" jean-sebastian said, as hayato looked towards fleur who had a pleading look on her face

"this is what you want" i asked, she nodded

"my shift ends in three hours i will send someone to collect fleur then, i would prefer not to have this talk while i have the responsibilities of a fleet-commander" i said

"that is agreeable, might we meet here tomorrow to continue our discussions" jean-sebastian said

"i will send someone to collect you at 1300 hours" i said

"acceptable" jean-sebastian said after some thought he knew what naval time was and it's translation

"then if you would" i said gesturing to the door

"yes of course, excuse us for bothering you during your work" jean-sebastian said, as the family left

"he is very dutiful to his work" apolline said to her husband, as the man shook his head

"he has his priorities straight, there is a difference, he is in work mode, now but he has also proven to take time for our daughter every weekend, i am sure he'd make time for her during the week too, should she ask, right now, he is focused on his work, because he doesn't really have anything else taking his time, he said so himself, his relationship with fleur is still in the very early stages, there isn't any commitment on either side yet, i don't think he was very pleased we butted our opinion into a very personal affair, but the fact he is able to listen despite that says much, we will see what happens tomorrow" jean-sebastian said

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