Chapter 4: Patience

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When the light from the sun broke through the darkness of the night the next morning, the barricade over the window was no more. And the twins were sleeping soundly in the nursery once again. The only proof that someone was there that night, was the two sleeping infants cuddled up with one other.

If either of the parents noticed the small difference that morning it was left unsaid. The new parents simply went along with their day. However, it quickly became clear that Goerge and Emily Wynter were not ready for the constant care that infants needed. In fact, by noon that day, the parents got so tired of the crying they took both Jade and Jaydon, set them in their nursery, and locked the door. To block out the screaming infants even more the Wynters decided to blast music and head to their own room. Before long they got lost in their work completely forgetting the newborns.

Locked in the nursery, diapers full and bellies empty, the little Wynters screamed their baby lungs out, curled up on the carpet only relenting to gasp for air before the screaming started again.

Only then did the darkness appear over the window as the Shadow returned from its hiding place amongst the darkness returning to his human form.

'How irresponsible are these Wynters.' The man thought bitterly. 'Leaving their young while they are still so fragile, never mind leaving them like this.'

Ever so carefully the man approached the infants who by now, were choking on their own screams and cries. Coughing miserably trying to get air into their tiny lungs. Crouching down on the soft carpet, the man's face went tight with concern. It wasn't long before he scooped up the infants, bouncing them slightly as he walked over to the changing table.

The white table was only four feet tall, it was slightly padded and had little crib walls so the infants wouldn't fall off around the edges. It was wide enough for the twins to lie down next to each other without being too squished as they had their diapers changed. Just below the table were shelves containing diapers, wipes, cloths, and various types of baby rash creams.

Carefully the man bent down and placed the crying twins on the table. Taking a second to assess the situation, the man struggled to remember how to change a diaper. He had never really paid attention when Mrs.Wynter had gone to the parenting classes, and though he still followed her there he wasn't paying attention to the program. That was mostly because he had never thought he would ever have to do any of the things himself. His plan was simple let the Wynters have their children, wait a week or two so the new parents bond with said children, kidnap the children and deliver them to an orphanage far away from the parents, and lastly enjoy as the Wynters beat themselves up and mourn and search for their children with no chance of finding them. Yesterday he had just wanted the wailing to stop, the Wynters had already gone to bed and they weren't showing any signs of stopping the ear-bleeding sound. So he had done it himself, a simple one-time thing. Yet here he was again, taking care of the little twins while the Wynters couldn't care less. And as two sets of hazel eyes stared at him while their owners coughed and wheezed from crying so long, he couldn't help but change his plan. The Wynters were just too cruel in his eyes, and the innocent beings in front of him shouldn't have to suffer for their parents' crimes.

Two very shaky diaper changes later the man found himself stealing two bottles of milk from the fridge and heating them to room temperature as he had seen the Wynters do twice that day. He cautiously tested the warmth of the milk on his wrist before becoming a shadow once more and sneaking back into the nursery. Two quiet cries of hunger awaited him as he returned to his human form. Both Jade and Jaydon were in a single bassinet, soft whimpers coming from them as they cried themselves out.

Recalling briefly what the program had said about feeding the blonde man set the bottles down on the dresser before picking up one of the twins and getting them settled.

"It's okay liten en. I got you." The man cooed as he grabbed one of the bottles, a bit of Norwegian slipping into his words. In his arms, Jaydon relaxed drinking over an ounce of milk before turning his little head away.

"All done there liten en?" The man asked softly before taking the bottle away.

"Now your mother did this." He said as he repositioned the little boy on one side of him, partly over his shoulder. "And I don't quite know why but she gave you pats on the back afterward so." With each slow pat on the back, the man got more confused. "Is there even a reason for this or is it just a pat on-" The baby spit up milk on the man's shoulder leaving the rest of his sentence caught in his throat.

Slowly pulling the infant away from his shoulder the man stares accusingly at the newborn. In return, the baby just stares back curiously. After a good minute of staring it finally clicks in the man's head. 'So that's what the cloth was for, burping.'

With the new knowledge in mind, the Shadow places the boy back in the bassinet before stripping himself free of the spit-upped shirt. Tying the shirt loosely around his waist he prepares himself to feed the other twin, this time grabbing a burping bip from the shelf of the changing table.

With both babies changed, burped, and fed they were struggling with keeping their little eyes open. Yet they weren't going to bed. The little twins kept reaching their stubbly arms up, fighting back the sleep they needed.

Tiredly the Shadow picked them up one last time trying to get them to sleep, but whenever he tried to put them down they whined and grabbed at his hair.

"Okay, okay. I won't put you down little warriors just let go." The man pleaded half-heartedly, a soft smile never leaving his face. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the rocking chair. Slowly he made his way over to it.

As he sat, rocking the now sleeping infants, drifting off himself, he altered his plan.

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