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As he fell through the dark purple vortex he was thrown into he didn't feel much. Just the cold harsh reality that the void has chosen for him. He couldn't do much but follow the path that the portal was pulling him to. If he had enough energy he would try and go back, despite the horrors he didn't want to leave. That was his home and it always will be.

It wasn't long until the colors around him started to shift into a rainbow of light shifting and turning as the world around him grew bright, it was blinding. Before he could even figure out what was going on he collided with the ground. The only thing he was able to make out was some nearby voices before his vision went black.

The child woke up in a small room curled up on something... soft? He slowly sat up, eyes darting around his unfamiliar surroundings. There were a couple weird plants on some weird looking stone and an inscription of a dragon on the wall. He couldn't keep his eyes off of it for a while, until he shifted and remembered the weird comfy thing he was sitting on. He placed his hand on it watching it sink into the fabric. It was strange... but oddly comforting. He heard movement from behind him which instantly caused him to disappear in a puff of purple particles. He reappeared in the corner of the room, eyes glued on the person who entered. It was an old man who seemed to have come in with a tray with some small bowls on it. "I don't mean to frighten you." He said placing the tray down in the middle of the room. This however didn't alter the child's stance. The man sat down next to it seemingly waiting for the child to make a move.

It felt like hours passed and neither of the two moved the entire time. The old man sighed seeing that this was going nowhere. He slowly got up and left the room, closing the door behind him. The enderian child ran over to it resting his ear on the door. He heard the man speaking to someone along with the duo's footsteps. "I need to head back to the monastery and.." they got out of earshot before he could make anything else out. "⋔⍜⋏⏃⌇⏁⟒⍀⊬?" He shrugged not knowing what the word meant and turned his focus to the tray the man set on the floor. Drawing closer to it he peered into one of the bowls and made a disgusted looking face. He quickly teleported back onto the comfy thing he woke up on and glared daggers at it. His ears twitched as the door opened again this time revealing an old woman. She quickly noted the boys stance and followed his gaze, "That old fool." She grumbled before placing something on the floor so she could pick up the tray. "No wonder he doesn't want to talk to you." She quickly snagged the tray taking it out of the room so it wouldn't lead to any more disasters. When she returned the item she placed on the floor was already in the boy's hands. It was a model of a green Chinese dragon. He was curled up on her bed, his hands seemingly petting the dragon on its sides and back. She smiled a bit before grabbing a thing of tea leaves off of the shelf before going back into her shop, not bothering closing the door behind her.
Setting water to boil she grabbed some other ingredients and got to work.

By the time the tea was done she noticed her little visitor watching her from the doorway. He was looking around curious but wary, it wasn't until his eyes landed on the tea kettle that he vanished again. She looked down at the contents of her cup, a bit annoyed with herself as she took a couple sips from it before leaving it on the counter and entering the room the boy was in.

He was sitting in the corner with the little dragon in his hands. He stared at her as she took a few steps forward crouching down. "I'm not gonna hurt you little one, you're safe here."

Safe..? It was a word he hadn't the luxury of knowing. The void was vast and empty foreign of any cover that could effectively hide them from the ever lurking dangers.. the only comfort was the tales of before their home was so called free. "⎅⍀⏃☌⍜⋏?"
She hummed a bit, nodding her head, pleased to see that her tea was working. "Dragons reside in another realm. Here in Ninjago however, we do have a couple that protect the strongest weapons known to man."

An Enderian in NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now