⌇⋏⏃☍⟒⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ⌿⏃⟟⋏⌇ :Snakes and Pains

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In the Dragon Cabinet (why was it called a cabinet?) En was resting against one of Rocky's front legs. He likes hanging out with the dragon crew every once and a while, besides Wu and Mys they were his only true friends. Even if he asks them things that would make the other two give him a look of concern. "⎅⍜ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☍ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒'⌇ ⏃⋏⊬⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⍜⎍⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⋔⊬ ⊑⍜⋔⟒?"
Rocky lifted his head and turned to look at the young boy. "What do you mean you are home."
He shook his head. "⋏⍜, ⊑⍜⋔⟒ ⊑⍜⋔⟒."
"Ah. My mistake." Rocky glanced at the other dragons seeing how they were now paying attention to their conversation. As much as the young boy likes to visit he usually asks questions about the places they've visited and what the elementals are like. Causing one of the four to indulge him while the others go about their business. This however was new. "What's it like? I can feel the earth beneath my claws, I'm sure I can find something akin to it."
He sat up as he tried to think. "⟟.. ⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⍀⟒⋔⟒⋔⏚⟒⍀ ⋔⎍☊⊑.. ⟟ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏚⎍⟟⌰⎅⟟⋏☌⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ⌇⏁⎍⎎⎎ ⏚⎍⏁ ⟟⏁'⌇ ⏃⌰⌰ ⏃ ⏚⌰⎍⍀." He let out a hum as he thought about the few things he remembers clearly. "⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⍙⟒⍀⟒ ⏁⏃⌰⌰ ⌿⎍⍀⌿⌰⟒ ⌿⌰⏃⋏⏁⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ⏚⎍⋔⌿⊬ ⌇⏃⋏⎅ ☊⍜⌰⍜⍀⟒⎅ ⌇⏁⍜⋏⟒." His shoulders slumped a bit. "⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏃⌰⌰ ⟟ ☍⋏⍜⍙.." If dragons could frown Rocky would. It will take time to find a similar location using his earth dragon ways. It would be an easier search if he could leave but he couldn't abandon Cole. It will break the boy's heart.
"We will have to migrate soon so we can ascend to adulthood. We-" Shard stopped as he saw Flame letting out a puff of smoke. Leaving Shard to glare daggers at him. "We will keep an eye out on our long journey east."
This made the Enderian smile a bit, teleporting over to give Shard a small hug. "⏁⊑⏃⋏☍ ⊬⍜⎍"
"Anytime young one."
En's ears twitched as he heard whistling coming from outside. Knowing only two ninja who know how to whistle he hid behind Shard as Cole came in and started opening a package for Rocky. "Here ya go Rocky! Liver and toads, your favorite." As Cole was busy En peaked a bit from behind Shard. Out of all the ninja he liked him the most. At first he didn't know if it was because he was the leader or because black seemed to be his favorite color. It wasn't until a similar instance like this occurred where he saw how much he cared for the creatures around him. He never really sees the other ninja come down and visit the dragons or well not as much as Cole and he did. As Cole packed up the box En watched him go. He'd like him to discover his existence first for sure.
"I can't believe you eat that stuff!" Wisp turned away in disgust.
"Well I'm sorry thunderwings that we don't all have a light appetite like you."
"Light? He eats whatever lightning brings him." Flame interjected. "Coal is the only one that knows what we all like."
This caused the Enderian to pipe up. "⊑⟒⊬! ⟟ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⊬⍜⎍ ☌⎍⊬⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒!"
"Heh heh..ok. I won't be hard on Coal. He and the young one do know what we like." Wisp started to grumble. "I'm still judging Rock for his taste though."
"Everyone can judge each other's taste. As long as you realize we are different dragons and have different needs that need to be met." Shard said. "We don't want another day of arguing now do we?" The dragons all simultaneously agreed. With the talk of food En realized how hungry he was and decided to leave to see if food was done. Before leaving of course he gave all his dragon friends pats and hugs before making his sneaky ascent back up to the monastery.

Being the super stealthy kid he is, he stepped into the hallway and looked down to where everyone else was. They were in the dining room kitchen area chatting away. He wished he could spy on them and list in on their conversations, if only it wasn't filled with so many dreaded objects. He instinctively shuddered not knowing truly why as he walked away and entered his room. After closing his door he turned around with his spirits rising as he saw a small towel resting on his desk with some bread and apples on it. He happily ate away at his meal, saving one of the apples as he wanted to go outside before going to bed for the night. Teleporting into his secret little garden area he grabbed the green kite and released it into the air. Just for it to fall a few seconds later. "Aww.." he picked it up and threw it in the air just for it to fall once more. He annoyingly picked it up once more mumbling "How did he do this all the time." Launching it in the air once more it finally caught a gust of wind as he held onto the other end of the string. A bright smile graced his features as he raised his arms in the air in triumph. "Ha ha, yes!" As he watched the kite fly in the sky he couldn't help but remember the first time he saw it. After realizing it wasn't a phantom who wanted to eat his guts. He stared at it fascinated as the older boy controlled its movements. To this day he still doesn't know how he was able to control it without the string.

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