Chapter 1

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Seokmin's pov

I feel a little off today so I texted min jae to pick me  and he replied he was on the way

I packed my bag and waited on the footpath but then a car stopped right infront of me which I knew didn't belong to minjae

The window rolled down

"Seokmin your friend minjae told me to pick you up because he had some emergency "

Jerk Kim mingyu min jae's hyung and my ex boyfriend it's a very funny story actually we dated only for few months until that shit decided to cheat on me

"Ohh are you sure you are okay with giving me a ride I'll pay you if you want ?" Because I know he'll tease me about giving a ride forever

He stared at me and was visibly staring at my neck which was making so hot on the top it was cold today

"Do I look like a Uber driver to you?" He said obviously offended in a very insensitive tone


"Hey , I was just being nice don't need to be rude about it also I'll just take a uber thank you , don't let me keep you from going just go already " I was probably overreacting but he started it first I was being nice

" Fine " I looked at him back wait what did I expect
I was going to say something but then he started the car and drove off

We never got along because of his boyfriend taehyung , mingyu is real clingy and simp for his boyfriend and I once had this huge fight with tae and mingyu slapped me still hurts I wanted to hit him back but boo seungkwan the everyone's favourite took the matter in his hands and insulted me infront of everyone after that we never talked like we used to

They all are related by money

I huffed at my stupidity I should have sat in the car without being stupid I checked my watch and wait wait shit I'm latee I ran towards the bus stop in case I can get a bus

Author's pov

Min jae was worried that mingyu and seokmin were no where in campus yet and it was time for the class to start

Min jae started stressing out and freaking out thinking many things he should not but then mingyu walked in and minjae left a relived sigh but then seokmin wasn't behind him or anywhere

Minjae rushed over to mingyu
" where is minnie?" He asked almost panicked

"Min jae next time don't tell me to pick your stupid friends up okay especially the pick me ones who run around having huge hickeys on their neck "

Well stupid but he is cute and hot for shore the shorts and hoodie suited him he looked so pretty but he looked to proud of himself too so I let that bitch go he looks like a slut most the time he takes advantage of being beautiful like he did before like he cheated on me and always avoided me when we were in relationship thought mingyu

"What do you mean where is min wait did u not pick him up no shit hell what did you do ! U had one job ! I'm telling aunty nara about this also what hickey wai-"

Minjae was now panicking and breathing heavily
To which Kevin rushed to him asking if he was okay

" yeah and what will u tell her ? That I broke the art piece in the living room which costed her two million krw go ahead I'm not even scared !" Mingyu said scoffing but then got concerned when he saw minjae coughing

" maybe yes but also I have a recording of u kissing a donkey when u were drunk I'll post it in instakg you will prolly loose your fans and your boyfriend after that post "

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