Meeting Ruth

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 "Ugh..." Natsu moaned in agony. "A three hour train ride is too long!" He clutched his pained stomach as he walked.

"Don't worry, Natsu, it's over now." Happy said, trying to cheer his best friend up.

"It's not! We still have to get up the mountain!"

"I can carry you."

"I don't know if you can; this pack is pretty heavy."

Happy huffed, "I can carry you and that pack any day!"

"Fine, I'll let you," Natsu laughed. He still did not think Happy would be able to do it, but if it made him feel better...

Natsu and Happy had arrived in Avalmir without a hitch. They exited the train, much to Natsu's delight, and began walking to the base of the mountain in this city. Many of the sidewalks were brick, rather than concrete, which Natsu found pretty. There was a stark lack of greenery in the non-residential areas, however, which Natsu did not like.

Many of the houses they passed by were large and elegant, obviously owned by those more fortunate. Even the shopping areas seemed rich, Natsu thought, noticing a very different vibe than the one he was used to at home. It was pretty, he supposed, he simply would not want (nor be able) to live there.

"Is it cold?" Natsu asked Happy. He could feel temperatures to an extent, but he could never figure out how warm or cold it had to be until normal people were affected by it.

Happy was covered in fur, so even his perception of temperature was skewed. "It's not too bad," Happy responded, "but winter hasn't set in yet, and the mountain will be a lot colder."

"I guess it's good that I'm the one doing this job, then..." Natsu mused. "I just hope my partner won't suffer from the cold."

"Mira said she thought through all of her candidates. I'm sure she took that into consideration."

"Sure, I just can't think of anyone else who can manage the cold the same way I can."

"Hm..." Happy trailed off, "I'm sure it will be fine."

Natsu shrugged. "Yeah, you're right." He looked around. "Hey, we're close enough to start flying, right?"

"Yeah, sure!" Happy picked Natsu up by his scarf. He struggled a little with the added weight of Natsu's pack but managed to carry him. The flight up the mountain was short but very scenic. The transition from grasses and exposed stone to snow was very sudden.

Happy saw some homes built into the mountain, so he kept close to the ground in order for them to see which house they needed to be at. They had a general idea of where it would be, but they could not be sure until they saw the number on the house.

"Woah," Natsu muttered, "is that it?"

The house was insanely large, made even larger in Natsu's mind since he had always lived in a small home. It was built in a U shape, the wings of the house surrounding a large courtyard and pool. Natsu tried to count the rooms, but the windows were so large and irregular that it was hard to tell where one room ended and the other began.

They landed softly in the grass by the front entrance. Grass does not usually grow on mountaintops, but the people who lived here could afford the fertilizer and irrigation necessary to maintain a healthy lawn at this altitude. Natsu and Happy walked to the front door. An expensive looking knocker sat dead-center on the door. Natsu hit it three times. He wondered how, in a house this large, the sound of the knocker could even be heard. There was no way a person could hear it in the far corners.

Natsu heard someone come up to the door and slowly unlock it. It swung open and Natsu saw a young bearded man holding the handle.

"Hello," the man hailed, "are you the other wizard?"

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