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She's different;She still looks up even when the stars aren't shining.✨

Aadrika's POV

I was wholeheartedly engaged in washing my sweetie♡.While listening Locha-E-Ulfat from my headphones.

And on a sudden I noticed my friend who should be in mental asylum but unfortunately now lives near by me as Padosi ki beti aka Siya Advani.

She was coming in my direction with a joyful face and it seemed that a cloud of happiness hanging over her.

May the God save me from her dramatic mood-swings.

Ond second,she was all sulky and sad as if the whole world had come crashing down on her.And the next moment,She was moving around with her freaky dance moves like she just got the marriage proposal from Robert Pattinson.

Look who is talking!.My inner conscience mocked me.

"The world wide beautiful girl any problem"?I retorted.

"Aww,I'm really feeling very sad for you Aadrika".My inner conscience said in an emotional way that could make even a heartless person cry.

"Why are you actually feeling sad"? I interrogated.

"Cause it's not easy for the blind people to survive in this world....See by yourself you exactly looks like a monkey but due to blindness you're calling yourself beautiful".My inner conscience said and acts like it didn't left me shocked.

"You rasc-

"Good moooooorning Aadrika".Siya greeted me in a not-so-pleasing way.

I simply gave her a smile and again started to wash my sweetie.

"Are you washing your scooty Aadrika"? Siya asked

No,No! I'm just watering it to check if it can turn into a bus or not".

I just nodded my head in "yes" and the next moment I heard her singing a creepy song.

From where she does find these types of ridiculous songs?

And out of the sudden my brother Dev called me for the breakfast and I hurriedly done washing my sweetie.

When I took the first steps towards the house as I was washing my scooty in the small garage which is attached to the house.

Out of the sudden My legs tumbled and I fell with a loud thud on the ground.I closed my eyes and whined in pain.

"Did you fall"?Siya again threw her mindless question.

"No,No I didn't fall...I was so exhausted so just thought to lay down on the cold yet fresh soapy water.Want to join?" I sarcastically replied while groaning in agony.

Siya wasn't that much big stupid to not understand the sarcasm behind my answer.

She quickly helped me to stand up from the ground.

I headed to my house with totter steps.My beloved mother came and saw my unpresentable condition as my clothes were drenched with water.She just gave me a scowl.

I didn't tell her about the tragedy that happened few minutes ago cause if I dare to do that then my mother will undoubtedly bless me with the shower of taunts, scolding and the dialogues which I almost know.

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