The Beginning

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Welcome to the castle.

The air in the room hung heavy with the scent of dust and musty linens. With no windows to allow fresh air, the atmosphere was stifling. You found yourself attempting to conceal a cough.

Your eyes swept over the four rows of tightly packed beds, offering little in the way of privacy. It was a compromise, better than facing starvation in the bitter cold, yet you couldn't help but wrinkle your nose in disdain at the lack of comfort.

A woman, Angellica as you recalled, brushed past you and further into the room, her demeanor as bland as her smile. "This is your new home." She stated with little enthusiasm, her gaze drifting to the third bed against the wall on the right. You followed her eyes, noticing a small bundle atop the yellowing sheets.

"The sheets are clean." Angellica interjected before you could voice your concern for the state of the linens. "They've seen many years and many maids, but they have been washed. They have yet to be replaced with new ones, as it is not an important enough matter to Sanria."

"Ah." You managed, suppressing any other outward signs of revulsion as you examined your new bedding. Sanria had been mentioned numerous times since your arrival in the city, which sat on the outskirts of Erydia's grand castle. You found yourself quite nervous to meet her, as you had only heard negative things about her so far.

Starwell was your refuge after abandoning the dying village of Greenriver, where opportunities for survival dwindled with each passing year. Every establishment that you entered for a job, directed you to Sanria. She was a head maid at the castle, although you never seemed to miss the look of pity that flashed across their faces when you thanked them and left.

You had been warned about the challenges of this job, yet it provided shelter and a meager income - a lifeline amidst the hardships. You couldn't afford to speak ill of Sanria; it was wise to play it safe.

You listened intently to Angellica as she explained the routine of a maid's life within the castle's walls. From the exchange of shifts to the strict timetable for meals, it all seemed quite straightforward.

You would clean during the day with a short break for lunch. When dinner time came, you would eat and then finish any remaining duties. Then, the nighttime maids would take over until you awoke the next morning.

As Angellica pointed out the uniform awaiting you on your bed, a modest ensemble which was in much better condition than the clothing that you had arrived in, you couldn't help but to feel a twinge of gratitude. At least you wouldn't have to sew your own uniform.

Your attention drifted to the bathing room at Angellica's mention of it, feeling a bubble of relief in your stomach as you realized that you would finally get to take a hot bath for the first time in a week.

Your gratitude quickly faded however, as Angellica made a curt remark about your unkempt appearance. Her lack of empathy stung. She knew that you had been traveling for quite a while, you had told her that much. It was a stark contrast to the kindness that you were seeking in such an unfamiliar space.

She instructed you to bathe quickly, before you reported to Sanria for the first time. Then, she exited the room. With a sigh, you made your way over to your new bed. The sheets were even more stained upon further inspection, and you found yourself cringing. At the end of the bed was a folded, scratchy blanket. You were relieved to see that at least that wasn't full of stains.

You placed your tattered bag of belongings down on the bed before making your way to the bathing room. It was a simple room, with a few wooden tubs and a shelf full of clean towels. There were a few packages of unscented soap laying on the top shelf, and you gently picked one up.

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