True Love's Touch

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As a child, Hoseok's mother would recount tales of soulmates and the enchantment that surrounded them. According to her, a duo connected by fate possessed a certain mystical energy, whether they were aware of it or not.

Initially, Hoseok yearned for a soulmate as he envisioned the possibility of inheriting those mystical powers. Perhaps the ability to levitate objects, or even to manipulate minds. In his more fanciful moments, he imagined conjuring fire from his fingertips.

As Hoseok matured, his aspirations evolved. He came to realize that the magic his mother spoke of differed from the enchantments found in his childhood storybooks. It was a different kind of magic, deemed "forbidden" by the kingdom. Moreover, he grew aware of the beautiful facade his mother wore, concealing the monstrous nature that lurked beneath—a creature harboring that same forbidden magic.

As an adult, Hoseok desired a soulmate not for the allure of magic, but for the prospect of experiencing love. He cherished the time spent with the horses while evading his royal responsibilities. He treasured the thoughtful inventions Yoongi crafted for him each year on his birthday. Despite their quirks, he held a deep love for all of his brothers.

Yet, what Hoseok truly yearned for was a distinct kind of love—a bond forged between him and his soulmate, one that intertwined their destinies for eternity. It was a love that transcended the barriers of time and circumstance, unbreakable and unwavering in its devotion.

Hoseok had nearly lost faith in the tales his mother had woven for him—that soulmates could be found through the simplest of touches. She spoke of a bond that could ignite with a mere brush of fingers against each other, an instant knowing that would arise upon contact with one's soulmate.

He had been on the brink of resigning himself to a life devoid of the love he yearned for, stuck with the mundane duties of being the third eldest prince. That was, until fate intervened. It happened unexpectedly, a chance encounter in the ballroom earlier that day when he accidentally brushed past you.

As his hand grazed yours, it felt as though a surge of lightning shot through him, jolting him to attention. Startled, he recoiled, instinctively ready to retaliate against whoever had hurt him while he tried to blend in with the rest of the staff.

As his gaze fell upon you, it was as if everything clicked into place within him. The restlessness he had long tried to ignore melted away, replaced by a sense of calm that washed over him. There was a magnetic pull in the energy you put out, drawing him in with an irresistible force.

In that moment, he realized with certainty that you were the soulmate he had been searching for all those years. It mattered not that you were a maid; in his eyes, you were deserving of being a Queen. Your attire, though plain, held no significance to him. Even if you were draped in mere scraps of old parchment, you would still shine with the radiance of a princess adorned in the finest attire money could buy.

It was as if the world had been dull and colorless before, and in the moment he encountered you, it burst into vivid hues. The once lackluster ballroom transformed before his eyes, no longer a mundane setting for the annual winter ball. Instead, it shimmered with a newfound vibrancy, bathed in enchanting shades of blue and silver.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he experienced genuine happiness. It was as if a new chapter had begun in his life, one filled with excitement and promise, far from the monotonous existence within the castle walls. No longer did he feel confined to a future dictated by his mother's choices, destined to wed some lackluster lady she had selected for him.

He wouldn't settle for anyone but you.

He couldn't help himself when he noticed you gazing around the room, a charming expression of confusion adorning your face. It was evident you were struggling with the centerpieces.

He understood the risk of conversing with you in the presence of others, especially while disguised in a stableboy's attire. The last thing he wanted was for his mother or father to catch wind of your connection, fearing they might steal you from him.

Despite the risk, he felt an overwhelming need to speak with you. He longed to hear your voice, to bask in your presence, if only for a fleeting moment. Waiting until he was certain nobody was watching, he cautiously made his way towards you.

Your voice, beautiful and smooth, captivated him completely. He found himself longing to sit and listen to you speak for hours on end. Your eyes held a magnetic allure, drawing him in. Despite the pull you exerted on him, he forced himself to stay focused as he guided you through arranging the keys.

He wished to have you by his side at the ball, to attend as his honored guest, each of you bearing matching keys. The thought of showcasing you to the entire room, dancing together to the melodic waltzing music that would fill the night, filled him with a sense of longing.

He envisioned adorning you in silk gowns and glittering jewelry, even crowning you as his Queen. However, he knew he was getting ahead of himself. Rushing into such grand gestures without careful planning could endanger you.

So, after guiding you through arranging the centerpieces, he excused himself, his mind already racing with plans. He was determined to make you his, and himself yours, and he was certain that nothing would stand in the way of turning that dream into a reality.

 He was determined to make you his, and himself yours, and he was certain that nothing would stand in the way of turning that dream into a reality

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