Afternoon Tea

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A quick chapter from Namjoon's POV, introduced much earlier than the original version

With only four days remaining until the ball, the royal caterers had commenced their slow transformation of the castle's halls. In the center hall, a grand pine tree had been brought in and installed, now adorned with shimmering ornaments and velvety star-shaped garlands.

Elsewhere in the castle, numerous smaller trees, similarly decorated, dotted the corridors. Pine and holly wreaths, interwoven with winter blooms, adorned nearly every door while the expansive windows boasted fragrant green garlands.

The caterers had skillfully infused the spirit of yule into every wing, all while adhering to the color scheme that had been a tradition since long before Namjoon's birth. Though he wasn't always the keenest on the castle's holiday festivities, he couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of the caterers.

Now, as he stood there, gazing at the grand tree in the main hall, memories of his childhood flooded back. Everything seemed so much simpler then...

"Joon?" A voice called out from behind him, breaking through his thoughts. Namjoon turned to find his eldest brother standing a few paces away, his dark-haired fiancée clinging to his arm. Jin's expression clearly betrayed his discomfort and irritation, causing Namjoon to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside him.

It wasn't uncommon for his brother to wear his emotions so openly, but it always amused Namjoon nonetheless.

"Jin," he greeted his brother, approaching them slowly. "And Lady Woong," he added, giving her a small bow and pressing a kiss to the gloved hand she extended towards him. The elegant woman giggled and waved her hand in response, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue.

"Prince Namjoon, there's no need to bow to me," Lady Woong cooed, and Seokjin rolled his eyes. Namjoon offered her a friendly laugh, though he harbored little fondness for her. He saw through her bubbly facade, just as Seokjin did. She was merely another pawn in their mother's schemes.

"We were headed to lunch, but I suddenly recalled our meeting that was scheduled a few days prior," Seokjin interjected, his body subtly angling away from his fiancée despite her embrace.

Namjoon cocked his head, knowing it was a lie - a convenient excuse for his brother to evade the discomfort of his lunch with Woong. Temptation gnawed at him to shake his head and leave Seokjin to endure Woong's company alone, as retribution for the prank his brother had played on him weeks earlier. He still felt the need to check under his pillow every night to ensure that were wasn't a frog there.

However, Namjoon understood Seokjin's aversion to spending time with his fiancée. If their roles were reversed, Namjoon would want his brothers to lend a hand too.

With a nod, Namjoon offered Lady Woong an apologetic smile. "Forgive me, my Lady. Jin and I have an important matter to discuss. Would you mind if I stole him away for a while?"

Lady Woong pouted and released her grip on Seokjin. "Very well," she sighed, taking a step back from the brothers and smoothing down her peach-colored gown. "But do return him promptly when you're finished."

Namjoon nodded, though a twinge of irritation simmered within him. Who was she to dictate his actions? He was a prince, after all, while she was nothing. Engaging in an argument with her over such a trivial matter wouldn't be wise, but he struggled to suppress the scowl itching to emerge. He and Seokjin observed in silence as she brushed past them, making her way towards the southern wing, where her lunch awaited her.

Once she was out of earshot, Seokjin released a heavy sigh. "Thank you," he breathed, rubbing his shoulder. "She had me in an iron grip; I feared she might snap me in two." Namjoon chuckled at his brother's theatrics.

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