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| stalker |



Lucy tells her horse, Aladdin, holding her hands up towards him and slowly backing away. He just stares blankly at her and huffs, turning away.

Lucy scoffs, offended, "Don't give me attitude, Al."

He huffs once again and still has his head turned away from Lucy. She rolls her eyes at her horses attitude. "Fine. You better behave, this should only take a couple of minutes. Give me at least 15."

Lucy finally walks away after ensuring the tie she has to Aladdin and the fence was secured.

Lucy was awakened at an early hour today and as she was about to go down a spiral over the past few weeks, she decided to bake something. She thought about cooking breakfast for her family but she remembered the last time she tried to cook something instead of bake. Shortly after she almost burnt the house down, she realized that cooking and baking are two totally different things.

After she was done making the cookies, she also realized she made one two many of them so she decided to drop some off to the Kent's. Mainly for Martha and Jonathan, she would tell herself.

She walks up the steps and opens the screen door, not bothering to knock. "This is incredible. Why would Lex Luthor need to rob a bank?" Lucy heard the voice of Martha Kent speak. She recognized what she was talking about. She heard about Lex Luthor supposedly robbing a bank when Chloe called her to rant about how weird it was.

"So his rich daddy can notice him. He's screaming for attention." Lucy answers her, causing them to all turn towards her.

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" Martha was the first to speak up in surprise, with a small smile on her face.

Lucy smiles back and reaches into her bag to pull out the container that contained the cookies. "Hey, Mama Kent." Lucy nicknames her, "I come baring gifts. I made cookies for basically an entire football team and then realized there's only three people living in my house so I thought I'd come by and give you guys some." She puts the container on their counter.

The Kent's smile at the girl in gratitude, except for Clark, he eyes her suspiciously.

"Well that's very kind of you, Lucy. Thank you." Martha says with a warm smile on her face.

"Yeah...Very kind. Which it would be very believable if it were anyone else but you, Lulu. You're not nice, ever. What did you do to these? Did you poison them?" Clark asks. Both of his parents give him a look as if they're scolding a little kid to stop doing something.

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