vi. Chase

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while I was still coming to terms with what I was shown in my memories. And what was real or not

Vers and I walked over to a car that wasn't that far away.

She knocked on the window and the man sitting in the car rolled down the window to show that he
had a shocked look on his face, "Hi My name is Vers and this is Infinix we are from Kree star force, are you the guy in charge of security for this sector" she asked only for him to still looked shocked at us.

"Hello is my universal translator working?" she said inspecting her wrist device to make sure it wasn't damaged and working properly.

"No I can understand you, yeah but the movie theatre has its own guy" said the security officer looking confused about the situation.

"Can you tell us where we can find communications equipment?" asked Vers,

The security officer pointed to a store that was next to the block buster, but this one had a sign that said radio shack.
"Thanks" I said as we both went to the store that we hoped would have the equipment they would need to contact the rest of their group. I thought it is best to follow the cannon and went along with vers.

Meanwhile at Ocean not  far away

Walking out of the water were four skrulls, the one leading the group was Talos who was looking
around his surroundings as they walked onto the sand. Far away from them were a group of humans
carrying surfboards. He looked at a woman before his skin and suit began to change. He let out a sound that sounded like a roar, as his body changed into the exact copy of the woman he was looking at, including her hairstyle and clothes.

"Find the boy and girl, their our only connection Dr Lawson and her light speed engine" he said
looking back at his comrades to see they had changed their appearance as well, but one of them
had taken the same form as him, "Hey, this ones taken" he said.

"Let's find them" said Talos.

While this was happening it was now light out. Vers was sitting in a small phone booth after taking
parts of electronic devices from the radio shack place. The phone both was ride next to
the store.
"Is it done?" I asked bored
"Just a second" said Vers while she was attaching the wires from the phone box onto the chip from her wrist device.
"Ha! it's done" said Vers pulling the phone off the box, I straightened up look up to her

"Here get close" she said gesturing me to come inside the booth I went and stood next to her in the small space and closed the door behind me as she placed the small device between us as she tapped on her wrist device to contact the Helium.

"Vers, Infinix is that you, Verify code C1 36" Yon Roggs voice came from the phone. While the two of
them could only hear his voice, back on the helium they could see small hologram of the two of them.

"Verification code C one eight hundred " I said

"Verification code C one six hundred, we were doing just fine how are you" said Vers smiling and they could hear a small chuckle from Yon Rogg, "What happened is everyone alright" she asked now
looking serious?

"There was a skrull ambush, where are you two, did you find Solar?" Yon Rogg asked

"Were on planet C 35, Solar wasn't there" I said.

"What do you mean he wasn't there?" asked Yon Rogg.

"It was Talos, who changed into him, he even knew his code" said Vers.

"His code, that's impossible it was buried deep into his subconscious" said Yon Rogg sounding like he didn't believe it was true.

"They used this machine to look into our heads, I think that's how they got his code and their after
someone named Lawson" said Vers.

"Lawson" asked Yon Rogg?

"Apparently she's someone who discovered a light speed engine, she's who I" said Vers now
looking confused. "I think it's the light speed engine they're after" Vers said

"How long till planet C 35?" he asked

"Until next jump point, twenty two hours" said Atlas.

"Okay Infinix, Vers stay exactly where you are" said Yon Rogg.

"No we have to stop them before they reach her, If they reach her and the light speed engine before we do they can invade multiple planets at once said Vers.

"Were sorry, the number you are trying to reach in unavailable, please put in the correct code to try again" a female voice said from the phone making the two of them look confused.

"Yon Rogg" said Vers holding the phone up to her ear and only heard the same female voice speak
the same words again. She then tired to get the connection back as she worked on her wrist device.

Any Luck ? I asked while seeing her working

"No" she said

"So what's our next move" I asked knowing she will know what to do.

"Later" she said "we need have that convo"—mentioning my powers from before he got interrupted.

when someone knocked on the telephone box.

The two of us looked to see a dark skinned man wearing sunglasses and wearing a black suit
and white shirt waving at them.

"Hello I am agent Fury" said Fury showing a small booklet with his identification and badge in it, "We
got a call about a couple who were dressed up for laser tag that fell through the roof of a block buster, that you two" he asked taking off his shades.

I and Vers walked out of the phone box while he was speaking, I also noticed the vehicles in
the area and there were people dressed up in suits like Fury. I still shocked seeing samual jackson in real life as fury right now. 

"Uh no that wasn't us, I think I saw them running in that direction" said Vers calmly nodding her head in the direction behind him.

The man named Fury laughed seeing through her lies, "Do you two have some kind of
identification" he asked?

"Vers Kree star force and this is my husband Infinix the same" said Vers pointing at me. While I looked shocked this Is the first time she openly accepted me as her husband even though for lying I thought

"Vers and Infinix Kree star force, what is your business" he asked?

"Were here to stop the skrulls from invading your planet" said Vers.
"Skrulls, you ever here of them Coulson" said Fury looking back at a man who was standing
nearby with a calm smile on his face.
"No sir I don't think ive had" the man known as
Coulson said.
"Shape shifting alien, they can change into people right down to the cellular level" said Vers
looking confused that they hadn't heard of the skrulls before,

"You have no idea what Im talking about do you" she said.

"Doesn't look like it, lets go" said Vers taking my arm to suggest we should go, but when she stepped forward with me Fury turned around.
"Now hold on a second, how are we suppose to know the two of you aren't those shape shifting
aliens" said Fury.
"Congratulations agent Fury that's the first right question you've asked" Vers said smiling when her
look turned serious saw a man pointing a laser file in their direction, "Get down"
said Vers as the man fired the laser rifle with Vers pushing Fury out of the way I putting a telekinetic barrier to block the blast.

while I was making sure everyone was uninjured , Vers sent out a blast of energy from her hands. Their attacks hit the roof but the man started running with attack not hitting him.
realizing the only race that had rifles like that were the skrulls Vers started chasing him and I followed cursing I can't tell her the truth now about skrulls not being bullies but being victims I can only hope to contain the damage.

INFINIX (Marvel Cinematic Universe Male Self Insert Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now