Review || The Wipe Out

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Book reviewed for : @FruityRuii 

Reviewer : @SchtxzaLore 

Book : The Wipe Out

Title :  10/10

A title ought to be both brief and memorable. "The Wipe Out" meets this criterion by being concise, which is advantageous. However, it's crucial to steer clear of unnecessary complexity or confusion. The title's versatility is a strength, as it can encompass various genres. The Wipe Out" implies a substantial event or catastrophe, sparking curiosity about what has been eradicated. This intrigue may compel potential readers to delve deeper into the story. Importantly, the title maintains a neutral stance regarding genre, allowing readers to approach the narrative with an open mind. This inclusivity can be advantageous in attracting a diverse audience.

Blurb : 14/15

The blurb offers a peek into a post-apocalyptic backdrop, chronicling Jeremy Gilmerton's battle for survival in the ruins of New Orleans following a catastrophic outbreak. It adeptly establishes the setting in post-apocalyptic New Orleans, evoking a palpable sense of decay and demise that sets the tone for the narrative. The transformation of Jeremy's family into monsters introduces a poignant and emotive layer to the story, with the weight of loss and the instinct for survival providing a compelling foundation. The narrative takes shape with a clear objective – Jeremy's pursuit of a cure through the hunting of infected brains. This mission injects purpose into the plot, prompting contemplation about the origins and characteristics of the outbreak. The inclusion of Jeremy's son, Timbo, and their loyal companion, Lavender, not only adds emotional richness but also establishes relatability with the protagonist. The blurb tantalizingly unveils the survival secrets of additional characters, yet it maintains an air of mystery. Consider injecting a touch more intrigue or offering a subtle indication of why these secrets hold significance and how they might influence Jeremy's quest for a cure. While emotional elements, such as the tragedy of Jeremy's family and the enigma surrounding characters like Tyler-Ray, consider amplifying these aspects to intensify the overall tension and intrigue. In conclusion, the blurb effectively captivates readers with its compelling elements. Fine-tuning certain aspects to underscore the emotional and mysterious dimensions could further elevate its ability to pique interest and engage potential readers in the unfolding narrative.

 Characters : 19 /25

 I will focus my review on the characters that left the most significant impression on me, primarily Jeremy and Tyler. Jeremy emerges as a resilient individual, navigating the aftermath of profound events in his life and confronting harrowing moments with a conscious decision to persist. Whether driven by a determination to survive alongside his son and dog or a broader commitment to endure, Jeremy embodies the essence of hope. Despite the losses he endured, he clings to Timbo and Lavender as his last anchors to humanity, showcasing a profound depth of will. Even in the face of potential despair, Jeremy never forgets the importance of these connections, emphasizing the resilience of his character. Tyler-Ray, an enigmatic figure without a given name, initially confounds me regarding gender. Upon her introduction, she appears as a resilient and guarded child, yet beneath the tough exterior, there's an evident undercurrent of fear and caution in her movements. Her use of a foreign language adds to the perception of someone lost in a world of chaos and fear. The absence of a name contributes to her overall sense of displacement. Despite her vulnerability, Tyler-Ray exudes strength and vigilance, seemingly ready to confront any threat. Her character, to me, symbolizes hope, particularly emphasized when Jeremy assigns her a name, encapsulating the essence of hope within the narrative — a belief that someday the tumultuous events will reach a resolution. The dynamic between these two characters unfolds from the first chapter to the second, revealing Tyler-Ray's initial reluctance to trust Jeremy despite his kindness. This element adds an intriguing layer to the plot, exploring how the encounter with her and her brothers might impact Jeremy's mission. It's clear that Jeremy, with his caring nature, is genuinely willing to assist the kids. However, given the apocalyptic chaos, Tyler-Ray's guarded demeanor and difficulty accepting kindness align logically with her character. In summary, the interplay between these characters, along with others not explicitly mentioned, significantly contributes to the story's progression. Their diverse personalities and interactions enhance the overall intrigue and depth of the narrative.

 Plot : 24/30 

 Personally, I found the plot to be intriguing, easily captivating my attention, and the narrative itself proved interesting enough to compel me to continue reading. The selection of a post-apocalyptic New Orleans as the story's backdrop is a compelling choice, providing a unique and atmospheric setting that immediately grabs the reader's interest. The transformation of Jeremy's family into monsters adds a poignant emotional layer to the plot. This personal tragedy becomes a driving force behind Jeremy's survival instincts, establishing a robust foundation for character development. The quest for a cure, pursued through the unconventional method of hunting infected brains, introduces a clear and tangible goal for the protagonist. This not only propels the storyline forward but also sparks questions about the nature of the outbreak, injecting an additional layer of intrigue. Unexpectedly encountering survivors like Tyler-ray and others adds a dynamic element to the narrative. I initially anticipated an adventure centered solely around Jeremy and his son, making Tyler-rays adn other characters presence a surprising and welcome twist. In summary, the plot boasts strong elements, particularly in terms of its setting, personal stakes, and a well-defined goal. Adjustments, such as providing more details about the outbreak and the survival secrets, could enhance the overall depth and intrigue of the narrative. Regarding uniqueness, the plot contains elements that set it apart, such as the post-apocalyptic setting, the familial transformation into monsters, and the unconventional cure-seeking approach. However, as with any narrative, the true uniqueness will emerge from how these elements are skillfully woven together, the depth of character development, unexpected plot twists, and the author's distinctive storytelling style. To precisely evaluate the plot's uniqueness, delving into specific details about how these elements are explored and developed in the story would be beneficial. This could include insights into the origin and nature of the outbreak, the complexities of the survival secrets, and how characters navigate the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world. Ultimately, a story's distinctiveness is crafted by the author's creativity in presenting familiar elements in a fresh and innovative manner. If your narrative offers a unique perspective on these components and engages readers with unexpected twists or perspectives, it has the potential to be perceived as truly unique.

 Experience while reading : 19/20 

 In terms of the enjoyment derived from reading, I must acknowledge that there were moments in the middle of the story where I felt somewhat detached; however, the narrative managed to fully recapture my interest owing to the well-handled pacing. Although there were instances when my focus leaned more towards pondering questions rather than fully grasping the characters' situations, the overall reading experience was thoroughly enjoyable. The story unfolded with a sense of fun and intensity, making me feel like an active participant in the journey. Typically, I shy away from adventure/mystery books that incorporate horror elements as I readily admit to being a bit of a scaredy-cat. Yet, I occasionally seek the challenge of delving into these genres, and this particular book/story genuinely made me appreciate the nuances of this kind of storytelling. I'd also like to commend your writing style—it may not be flawless, but it certainly isn't lacking. It's clear, easy to comprehend, and direct. The pacing of events and narrations, along with the execution of points of view, is handled adeptly. The prologue deserves special mention; it seamlessly captured my attention, fulfilling the intended purpose of a prologue. All in all, it was a great read. 

 Total: 85/100

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