Story of Apple's Grandfather P3 The Last Finale Chapter

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After Apple asked about the pair of silver hands in the display case, she went quiet again. And Robert continued to tell her the rest. "So now that she was married to the King. She soon conceived but before she could tell her husband the King he was to have an heir, the King was called to stop a war by his Captain. He left his wife within the hands of his sweet, curious and considerately caring elderly mother.

"Your daughter in-law is about to have a son, My Grand Queen. Word must sent to the King at once for at war this will encourage him further to return home." Through it all Rosie's body remained glowing illuminated in the Holy Spirit's fiery light. And because of that her kingdom's people were blessed and prospered and didn't struggle without their King.
"How do you this, daughter? You've been so many hardships. Yet your will to live, thrive and endure has never waned once in the three to four years I have known you."
"I can do anything right for the glory of God the Father in Heaven through the strength of his Son, Jesus Christ, my redeemer. I heard him calling me home and I believed him, and he has sent me the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me this is the reason I was twice a day every morning and evening to keep my body clean for while the Holy Spirit dwells within me my body has become a sacred temple. May I pray over you, my kindest, Mother in-law dear and maybe you'll soon be able to see all the vibrance I see in this dreary broken world through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Allow me to lay my hands on your shoulders."
The Grand Queen knelt at the young Queen's feet. The young Queen laid her hands on her Mother in-law's shoulders and prayed aloud. "Dear Father up in heaven, open this woman's ears and eyes to splendor of Your Majesty in this world and reveal the door to the World you've already planned and promised to us. Enable her to understand her body is a holy temple, encourage her to invite the Holy Spirit to start living with her. She is now grown curious. She has done so much for me already through weary wary instructions from my husband and I am very grateful for her. I wish her to know no sorrow anymore. I wish a thousand joyful tidings in her life. Allow her to see, bear witness and feel the change in level of endurance through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. In Jesus' name I pray and pour my blessings over this gentle old woman. Amen."
The young Queen opened her eyes and said. "Rise, my Mother, you've been blessed. Now wash tonight and ask for the Holy Spirit to join into your heart tonight while you kneel at your bedside." The young Queen gave her one last instruction before she was dismissing herself from the room. 3 more years passed. The King had been at the wars for 7 total years now. And in all that time not one of the Grand Queen's genuine letters and complaints reached him for the Devil intercepted them when their messenger servant stopped to take a rest once on the way and once on the way back. So Forged letters with the most terrible instructions were sent back to the palace but because the Grand Queen had asked the Holy Spirit into her life she doubted these were actually her son's own words and voice.

Whereupon the Devil, who was still bent on harming the pious queen, came and exchanged the letter for another, announcing that the queen had given birth to a changeling. When the king read the letter, he was horrified and greatly distressed, but he wrote back saying that they should take good care of the queen until his return. On his way back with the letter, the messenger stopped to rest in the same place and fell asleep again. And again the Devil came and substituted a letter, telling them to kill the queen and her child. The King's old mother was horrified when she read the letter. She couldn't believe it and wrote again to the king, but the answer was always the same, because the Devil kept substituting forged letters. And the last letter of all added that they should keep the queen's tongue and eyes as proof that they had done the king's bidding; it was the most horrid demand of all of them. That was a tiny bit of record of the letters. But God had granted her a vision of a dying deer near a brook. She sent the huntsman to put it out of its misery and bring back its tongue and eyes. She went to the queen's room who was half a year old still suckling from his Mamma and had not yet learnt to walk.
"Something terrible has occurred, my daughter, for some obscure reason my Son wants you dead, but I cannot and would never have the heart to kill and bring grief to your only child. You will live, but you must leave the palace at once. God will keep you, both, that I know that now. Amen." said The Old Queen instructed with much regret. "Let me tie your boy to your back. Go out into the wide world with your baby and do not ever return." This was the 2nd of 7 years that the King was at war. And the 5th here he had known Rosie and it was only the second year that she had been his wife.
She tied the child to the young queen's back, and the poor queen went away in tears. She came to a great wild forest, and there she fell on her knees and prayed to God. The angel of the Lord appeared to her and led her to a little house with a sign over the door, saying. "All are welcome."
Soon way out in a vast forest, the new Queen came to a house and out of it came a snow-white maiden again dressed in only in a basic white gown, who said. "Welcome, Your Majesty," and led her in.
The angel untied the little boy from the queen's back, held him up to her breast to suckle, and afterward put him into a lovely white bed. "How did you know I was a queen?" the poor woman asked. The snow-white maiden answered "I am an angel, sent by God to care for you and your child." So she lived in the little house for seven years and was well cared for. And because of her piety her hands grew again by the grace of God.
The 5 more years of war wrapped up for the King. He returnt home to a very angry depressed Mom of his who scolded him very deeply and harshly too for his actions and words with those letters. "'You  wicked man," she said bursting into tears while speaking, you cannot contain your tears if they're initiated by the Holy Spirit  whom you've asked to dwell within you. "Why did you write and tell me to take two innocent lives." And after showing him the two letters the Devil had forged, she went on to say, "I obeyed your commands" And she showed the tongue and the eyes At that the king wept so bitterly over his poor wife and his baby boy that his old mother took pity on him. After seeing her son's genuine tears she told him the truth. "'Console yourself. She is alive. I secretly had a doe killed and kept the tongue and eyes. Then I tied your child to your wife's back and told her to go out into the wide world and I made her promise never to return, because you were so angry."
The King vowed immediately. "I will go as far as the sky is blue and take neither food nor drink until I find my dear wife and child, if they have not been killed or died of hunger in the meantime." And he set out without a water skin or food package just a few sets of clothes and for 7 years he wandered the wilds.
In the meantime the Queen he married lived the other 5 years of war under the care of the angel woman and she lived seven more under her with her child who was now probably about maybe 10 1/2 years old and had learnt to walk and climb. Her hands no longer shimmered as if they were made from silver for God had healed the hands her Father had chopped away himself at last.
A short summary of the day of twelve years ago when she first met the angel lady at the cottage in the vast vast forest.
The angel untied the little boy from the queen's back, held him up to her breast to suckle, and afterward put him into a lovely white bed. "How did you know I was a queen?" the poor woman asked. The snow-white maiden answered "I am an angel, sent by God to care for you and your child." So she lived in the little house for seven years and was well cared for. And because of her piety her hands grew again by the grace of God."'"
"Oh what a true miracle indeed, Father." gasped Apple really stunned right now. She quieted down again and let her Father finish the story now. "'"So the king had wandered almost seven years in the wilds. He searched every cleft and cavern, but he didn't find her, and he thought she must have perished. In all that time he took neither food nor drink, but God kept him. At last he came to a great forest and there he found the little house with the sign saying. "All are welcome."
The snow-white maiden came out and took him by the hand and led him in. "Welcome, Your Majesty," she said, and asked him where he came from. He replied. "I have been wandering for almost seven years, looking for my wife and child, and I cannot find them."
The angel offered him food and drink, but he declined and only asked leave to rest a little. Then he lay down and covered his face with a handkerchief.

The angel went into the room where the queen was sitting with her son, whom she usually called "Sorrowful," and said to her. "Take your child and come out, your husband is here." She went to where he was lying and the handkerchief slipped from his face. "Sorrowful," she said, "pick up your father's handkerchief and cover his face with it." The child picked it up and put it over the king's face.
The king heard all this in his sleep and purposely made the handkerchief fall again. The little boy grew impatient and said: "Mother, dear, how can I cover my father's face? I have no Father on earth.
You've taught me to pray to our father which art in heaven, and you've told me that my father was in heaven and that he was God. Why should I recognize this wild man? He's not my father."
When the King heard that, he sat up and asked her who she was. "I am your wife," she answered, "and this is your son, Sorrowful." He saw her living hands and said: "My wife had silver hands." She replied: "God in His mercy made my natural hands grow again." The angel went into the bedchamber, brought out the silver hands to the king. Then he knew for sure that this was his dear wife and his dear child, and he kissed them both and was glad, and said. "A heavy load has fallen from my heart."
The angel of God gave them one last meal, and after that they went home to the king's old mother.
There was rejoicing throughout the land, and the king and queen had another wedding, and lived happily ever after.
About halfway through the year she conceived twin Princesses who did not want any claim to the throne, but to follow what their Mother started. One of those Aunts of mine was Goldilocks' Mom.
The end. That is the story of your Grandfather Apple White and that is why everybody calls him Prince Sorrow too." Robert informed her now. She had to know. She needed to know.
"Thank you for telling me this right away, Papa and not waiting too long to tell me." replied Apple.

Hello, Skylights, hope you enjoyed, back to the real plot next chapter both present time and the past of the Evil Queen whom I named Livinne. Apple's Grandfather backstory is from The Brothers' Grimm Story "The Girl Without Hands!"
it is the last final chapter of my fairytale reference book I just fully completed 200 parts are all out. Please do check it out several stories will be referenced in this that I am going to be using here in this fanfiction to make it more immersive and culturally diverse too. Lumna10 out!

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