The Begging Of Death

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"Death is a part of life..." Raven whispered into her son's ear. She can sense it, even with his short bow drawn back and the arrowhead pointed steadily at the fawn in front of them. She can still sense the lingering hesitation in his gaze, on a closer look, she can even see the small trembling of his milky hands that held his bow.

he's too soft for this cruel world. Raven thought. And for a brief moment. She had the idea of calling it a day and heading back to camp. Afterall, the tribe had enough supplies to last the first couple weeks of winter. So hunting wasn't much of a worry for now, and what's the point of hunting a fawn anyway? why not a full grown deer that could feed dozens of people?

No, he needs this, this is for his sake. Raven reassured herself, crushing the tiny hesitation that had slipped into her thoughts before throwing it to the farthest corner of her mind.

Harsh words are needed for this harsh world. Her lips formed a frown as she scolded her son. "Do not hesitate, kill it"

She places her gloved hand on his shoulder before leaning closer.

"Kill. It" She ordered, the misty vapor that escaped Raven's lips brushes against her son's nape. He shudders involuntarily from the cool sensation.

"All things die, the only reason that fawn is dying right now is because it's weak" Raven said. Her finger gently traced her son's shoulders.

"because it was foolish" Her fingers slowly moved from his shoulders to his nape.

"Because it was ignorant of the monsters that hid in the shadows" Slowly, one by one, her long, pale fingers wrapped themselves around his throat.

"That fawn is you" She stated as her hand clenched, completely cutting off his air supply in the process. Her son's eyes widen in shock at the sudden choking, but he made no effort to retaliate, he didn't fight back. Because this was normal afterall.

"Do not allow yourself to remain a fawn forever, Delaney" Raven slowly untangles her fingers from her son's throat, showing the bruises she left behind.

Her son, Delaney. Coughs quietly into the snow after his mother released him, he took a deep, shuddering breath.

"I understand Mother" Delaney replied. his voice raspy amd strained from the choking

Delaney exhaled a cloud of vapor as he readjusted his stance. He crouched low, being carefully hidden beneath the undergrowth with the bow drawn with his right hand and his arrowhead aimed precisely at his target-The lone fawn standing in the middle of the frost covered glave.

The winter was the merciless time of the year, with crops dying and animals either going into hibernation or migrating to warmer places. A shortage of food was common during this period.

This applies to animals as well. Animals who can't hibernate or haven't left for migration are forced to scavage for the last remants of food that laid hidden beneath the snow.

The fawn was foolish enough to wander off from it's herd to search for food of it's own.

This mistake will cause it's demise.

Delaney steeled his heart, as the bow string was released from his fingertips. The arrow sliced through the air, leaving a hiss in it's trail.


His arrow followed his will, piercing skin and flesh. But stopping at bone. The fawn tipped, then fell.


With a arrow at it's side, the fawn took it's last breath before passing away.

A rush of pride filled Raven's being, the arrow was well shot for a beginner. She pulled back the stupidly proud grin that was about to form, and swallowed back the cooes and praises that threatened to escape her lips.

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