Part 2 - Confrontation

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The knock at the door was sudden, to say the least, and it sounded somewhat aggressive. But then again, that was just Katsuki for you. Aggressive.

The sudden loud sound startled Izuku a little, he still hadn't had the time to even gather himself, or process the words that had came out of his own mouth.

"Open the damn door you dumbass!"

Came a voice from the other side of the door, Katsuki's voice. The sound of it made his face feel oh so incredibly warm. It never really used to, only for the past couple months. It was often rather hard to figure out whether the warmth upon his face was from being flustered, nerves, or pure fear. Especially now. After using some deep breathing techniques to calm down the racing pace of his heartbeat, he turned the handle of the door and opened it, taking a final breath before looking up at Katsuki.

Izuku really couldn't look up at Katsuki for too long, as Katsuki pushed past him, taking one of the cans of beer from the refrigerator and slouching on the couch.

"So, are you that stupid or do I need to tell you to explain yourself?" He said, a slight rasp in his voice as he spoke, possibly from how much of his time he spent shouting and screaming at people, especially when he didn't get his own way.

But again, it was that voice. His voice. No. Katsuki's voice, causing all of this hesitation which eventually started to get on izukus own nerves a little.

"I.. it was a dare. Alright? I mean- they didn't exactly give me any words to say.. my prompt was be flirtatious. So.. that's what I did.. and then it just- flooded out I guess.."

Izuku muttered, his stomach doing somersaults and making him feel quite nauseous, so he decided it would be best to take a seat further from the blonde.

The moment after Izuku had finished talking had become tense right away. He didn't quite know what else to say. Neither of them did. If you looked close enough, you would be able to spot the slightest pink blush on Katsuki's face. But Izuku didn't dare to look at him for long enough to spot that.

"So, that's you being flirtatious? You play truth or dare without forfeits?"

Katsuki said, his voice a slight mutter but still audible, just sounding more confused if anything, trying to work on connecting the dots and figure out what on earth was going on.

In every moment that the silence returned, the tension grew more and more. They were bathing in the warmth of eachothers presence, which was unusual for the two. Sure, they had been working on their so-called friendship. But they didn't ever have moments like this.

After pacing for a couple more minutes, Izuku turned his gaze back to Katsuki, sighing before going to stand up in order to get further away from him. That was until he felt a tight grasp on the lower half of his arm, just below his elbow. The sudden grip caused him to gasp, Katsuki having grabbed him and pulled him over, sitting Izuku down right next to him. After Izuku had been seated, Katsukis grip moved to Izukus thigh, as If trying to keep him in place.

"K-kacchan.. what on earth are you doing? This isn't like you."

Izuku frowned, sitting up slightly, looking back down at Katsuki's hand, and then into his eyes. The eye contact caused Katsuki's lips to part ever so slightly, before he finally decided to talk.

"Well. Unless you really are stupid, you should know that you cant leave a game unfinished. So? Truth or dare?" he asked. again, with that sly grin that could be enough to send poor, baffled Izuku into overdrive.

"I'm- I'm sorry what?" Izuku started, but quickly changed to shaking his head at the blonde, having learnt from past experiences that questioning such a short tempered person wasn't the smartest idea ever. Especially for somebody like himself.

"Nevermind. Forget I said that. I pick.. dare." Izuku finally managed to finish what he was trying to let out, the hesitation pushing Katsuki's patience to the edge and making him lift a singular brow. But that puzzled expression was soon to transform into one of genuine surprise. He was seemingly impressed by the smaller mans decision.

Katsuki turned to face him fully now, both of them stood in the centre of the room, Katsuki's hand still locked tightly around Izuku's upper arm. Izuku's heart was pounding so hard that he could feel it in his ears, and the room started to feel all stuffy.

"Well then. Kiss me. And tell no-one." Katsuki whispered, slowly leaning in closer and letting his warm breath drift over Izuku's lips, causing Izuku's eyes to widen. 

It wasn't long before their lips had finally connected, now both holding each other in a warm embrace. Just the two of them. their mouths colliding with one another. Katsuki's hands were placed on either side of Izuku's waist, making pretty damn sure that he was unable to move anywhere for the duration of the kiss. as for Izuku's hands, one was placed behind the blonds neck, partially intertwining his fingers with sections of his soft hair. The other placed gently on the left side of his chest, grasping at the black material of his tank top.

The two must've been stood there making out for a solid 5 minutes, slowly becoming more heated near the end. but nothing beyond a few neck kisses and hands creeping up each others shirts. Katsuki was the one being more.. handsy. but Izuku didn't mind at all. that was until Katsuki up and left after the kiss. 

"Now. anybody finds out about this, you're dead meat. Am I clear?" The blonde said through his teeth, eyes narrowed to display his seriousness through his body language, stepping back towards the door once Izuku had given him the slight nod of defeat that he had been looking for.

After Katsuki's departure from the dorm room, Izuku's eyes stayed wide, not so much out of desire and lust anymore, But now more-so out of worry and concern. Perhaps even.. regret.

"Shit.. shit shit shit!"


Honestly, coming back after a while to read all of that was incredible to me, and I apologise that chapter production is slow, I've just been really busy for quite some time, but i'm trying to get back into writing! And hopefully, it will get to a point where I can publish a chapter each week!

Love yall and i hope you enjoyed this chapter of 'Just a game'!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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