Thirty Six | Fantasies And Plans

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Devika :

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Devika :

I SAT LOOKING at my reflection on the mirror. Aviram sat behind me, busily platting my long hair. I watched him on the mirror, taking my hair in his hands carefully and tying them up.
The King of Jodhpur looked absolutely invested in my hair, careful too, trying not to hurt me.
Apparently he used to do the same for Nayan when she was around.

My lips were spread into the most endearing smile I could possibly have. 
It was impossible to stay angry with this man, the moment I reassured him that everything was fine - he was back to loving me in the not-so-conventional ways. 
We had had our dinner and changed our clothes. He was wearing a white kurta and trousers which were comfortable, I wore an ordinary cotton saree, yellow in colour.

I had come to slowly realise why Anamika could not love a man like him. His ways were different. I knew that his parents never loved him through physical touch, kisses on the cheek, hugs were not a common thing for such palaces. The only love he had known was through such ordinary things, tying the hair for someone, admiring from afar, not physical touch. 
Not everyone can appreciate the love of a husband who does not go for a kiss first on a romantic night. 

"Done!", He said finally finishing with his work. He glanced up at the mirror, looking back at our reflection. His lips broke into a satisfied smile.
"Now check if it's good. Although I am no professional.. I am hoping it's not too bad. And I did not hurt you either.", He said proudly.
I turned to face him.
"I know it's lovely.", I whispered, looking him in the eyes. The eyes held the love of births, as if they had never loved anyone but me.
I edged closer to him and softly rested my head on his chest.
"When are you properly starting your job with Akhilesh?", He asked, as I felt his arms softly wrap around my body.

"I don't know if I want to work with him anymore.", I said honestly.
He drew in a deep breath.
"Don't do this because of me.", He said plainly.
I looked up at him.
"He is an enemy-"
"My enemy, not yours. Leela.. I know you are still young and impulsive. But don't take your life decisions out of impulsiveness. He has given you a good offer, you should take it. We can work on opposite fronts and still be in love when we come back home.", He said smoothly.

"Ram, you might have reached moksha.. where you can be at peace while knowing you are working for an enemy.. but I can't. Fine.. you were wrong to have sent his parents away.. so what? You lost your parents too! Karma served. End of story.", I said burying my face in his chest, hugging him tightly.
I heard his chuckle.
He rested his chin on my head.
"Now you are making up theories to justify me. Are you on social media now? Making random theories to justify your favourite character?", He asked, amused.

I looked up at him with narrowed eyes, as he looked down, smiling his serene smile.
"Good night!", I snapped edging away, feeling like a stubborn teenager. He looked at me amused, smiling away as I turned off the lights and lay down on the other side of the bed, looking away from him.
I heard him draw in a deep breath.
He lay down on the bed too.

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