Hold it

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"Besides, I think they should've put us in separate nicer prisons or just killed us right away y'know?" 

"What!?" Red was baffled, what did he just hear? He stood motionless, realizing that even if Forte knew more than himself and the others, it would be a pain in the ass for him to verify, or even to get them to talk. At what point would the Shapeshifter be making up stories for their own gain? Yeah, there was no point in talking.

"Why are you even here? You stayed on Polus you freak." , Purple checked for his device, thank the stars his half is still in his posession. This leads to Purple confirming that somethings not adding up, why wouldn't their captors take it? Maybe he could snag Reds side? No, now is not the time.

"This IS Polus." Forte retaliated like it should've been clear to them. "I'd never leave on my own accord." "Good, we don't want you lingering around on our Planet anyways." Pink affirmed. This seemed to rark up the other Impostor, "Glad were on the same page." Forte stepped closer to her, an annoyed grin painting their face, however that had no effect on Pink, who kept her unfazed expression, she might have not even been listening. That seemed to eradicate Forte's interest in conflict, who defeatitly turned around and plumped down in their corner of the room shortly after.




Silence ensued, noone wanted a fight to break out, but noone wanted to be forced down eachothers throats like this any longer. Noone bothered to talk, and why would they? It would only aggrevate the situation further, still it is clear that this will end with ... damage, whether emotional, physical to themselves or the room, their personal histories will dictate their actions to be blunt. The will of survival and freedom will lead them out of this.

"If this is a regular prison they should come back for us soon, and put us in regular cells" red exhorted quietly breaking the deafining quiet, "Why would they EVER consider doing that!?" the purple impostor snapped, it was a long day (or night), and he was done with having to deal with everyones whining. Noone wants to be trapped here, quit being a wuss and take it like an impostor. 

"Well then this might be a torture cell for us to rot in then?? No food, no beds, no restroom, no nothing.", Red yelled. "It's not our fault-" "YES IT IS!?", Red interupted Pink who gave them a side eye. "I want to make sure my friends are okay, and I'm getting out of here." "You can't spell friendship without end-" "Your opinions and worldviews are hot air to me, parasite" , the Red impostor uttered making Forte laugh in reply; "Says the parasite." 

"We are completly different in nature and you know that" Red hissed. "Whatever, still Polus is my planet and I make the rules so I'm officially deciding that Crewmates are parasites now!".

 "What kind of bullshit are you on? You are literally trapped in a torture cell." Purple questioned


wooo new chapter woo woooooo woooooooo. the real reason red started talking abt leaving is cuz they need to pee... but they cant jist say that lollll. uhm   rember when i said this was only gonna be liek 2 chaps? how funny that i still didnt find a way to properly end this so see ya next chapter 

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