One mistake ends a life

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Note: This turned out long, the stakes were high to write something """decent""". Sorry for the long absence, more notes abt future  Rodamrix fanfics and this one at the end if ur interested..


It would be selfish to die now, wouldn't it? 

Something inside Reds stomach is hurting, not in the normal way.

Maybe a distraction.....

He turned on the device, it greeted them with the usual glitched menu, making the Purple Impostor grunt in response.

It was a bad idea to turn it on. So, so bad.

It had become second nature to Red to atleast take a peak at it once in a while, it was truly a miracle that he didn't look at it till now.. must have been red being super focused on the situation at hand, afraid of the others attacking in crucial moments.

Red found himself pushed to the ground, there was no way to easily handle the situation.

He was gonna die there, and unconsciously decided to take in the scene one last time, closing their eyes.

Feeling the cold concrete against their body, the aching fresh wounds on his skin being irritated by the floor. 

One thing that did ease the pain was the slight cold breeze against the back of his head.


He lifted his hand towards one of those tiles behind him, feeling the smooth material for a bit - inadvertantly ending up noticing a tiny gap between some of the tiles. That's air coming from the crack.

Purple got out his sharp knife, preferring to kill with a quick hard stab to the heart. He didn't need to hear that nuicance whine while dying. So he raised the hand with the knife far behind his head to be able to swing with maximum impact.



"YOU DID IT AGAIN???" Purple stared in disbelief, "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU USE IT!". A small snicker was heard from behind, "What do you expect from that guy, honestly? He's too desperate to let himself be killed." Forte got in a more comfy position and let that situation sink in.

"Shit", Red muttered under their breath, this thing was important

The Impostor hovering above the other decided on attacking again, only for Red to dodge by rolling over to the right. They had enough, they weren't gonna be treated like this any longer, taking their knife and with a swift motion, throwing it at Purple.

"AH--", the cold weapon brushed past him, barely missing, it made him take a few steps back, building distance from Red.

The "Crewposter" wasn't having any of it, stepping towards the other. Purple seemingly forgot about the fact that the majority of Impostors can pull out weapons out of seemingly nowhere. Still, no matter what happened, he could win this, he was prepared for that emotional wreck, he-

"Are you gonna eat the fucking wall?", the Shapeshifter asked in an aggrevated tone. Red and Purple turned to where Fortegreen was looking: Pink.

Red snapped out of this murderous state, realising that Pink was tempering with that crack in the wall he felt earlier. Pink finally got a better grasp on one of the tiles: "Nah, I think parasites taste better." making the other scoff in response.

And with that the tile has been ripped from the wall, revealing a narrow vent-like pathway, the Impostors would barely fit, one at a time, while crawling. It was very dark, they wouldn't know what is waiting for them on the other side, but anything would be better than the predicament they've found themselves in.

WE MIGHT JUST BE DEAD (Rodamrix)Where stories live. Discover now