chapter 2

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Strangers to lovers

Bojack seems like a flirt indeed. So much so that you couldn't even take your eyes off him. But then again, you didn't even know the man like that so it was weird for him to be flirty in the first place.

"You don't even know me and your flirting already?" You chuckle as bojack chuckles a bit as well "well why doesn't anyone do anything? Hm?" Bojack responded softly as he stares at you in a flirty way "I'm sure we'll get along just fine.." He hands out his hand "my name is bojack.... Bojack horsemen."

You stared at his hand for a few moments before shaking his hand and telling your name as well. Bojack nods as he responses "such a nice name for a good looking lady/man" your face flushed red as you heard that. But clearly brushing it off. Suddenly your friend Diana calls out to you and bojack ears perks up "so I'm guessing your friends with Diana? She's making a book about my life." He chuckles a bit. "Well that is nice to know." You nod slightly as you glanced in the direction Diana was. "I think I have to go, it was very nice meeting you bojack" you said with a smile as you stared walking off but suddenly bojack grabs onto your hand "please... Don't leave me? Can I at least get your phone number and we can call sometime? I can even take you out to get coffee tomorrow if you'd like?" Bojack said softly he sounded quite.... Desperate.

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