Chapter 3

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A start of a new path.
You hesitate as you spoke glancing at his desperate, sad, and depressing face "fine. I don't see why not" you say as you sigh and take out your phone. Bojack was over the moon as he immediately take his phone out as well and you both swap phones, putting your guys phone number in each phone. Afterwards you guys swap your phones back and bojack spoke "so I'll see you tomorrow at 8am?" He asks sheepishly. "Sure, just text me when you get there." Bo Jackson nods as he waves bye to you and you walk off looking for Diana.

Next day
You wake up to hear your phone vibrating. You glanced at it to see bojack calling you and as you answer he immediately spoke "hey! It's good to see that you answered my call... So are we going to that coffee shop like I asked yesterday?" He asks... Sounding a bit shy? "Mhm! Yup I just got up. So I'll start getting ready." You said on the other line. "G-great! Tell me when you get there okay?" Bojack said sounding very... Excited... You chuckle at that since his excited side was quite... Out of the ordinary and quite cute! "Alright I'll see you there." You said with a smile. "Okay!.... I love you-" he accidentally blurts out. He noticed how he said that as he quickly just hung up. He placed his face in his pillow and groans "I'm so stupid...." Meanwhile with you, you just say on your bed extremely surprised not expecting that from a depressed, alcoholic, smoking celebrity that doesn't even care about anyone or anything half of the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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