Chapter 3

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Chandler's POV:

I walked across the hall to my and Monica's apartment the others up here. "Hey, do you have any soft blankets that Scarlett could borrow? Joey really don't have any and I just think it will help her."
"Yeah. Sure. How is she?" Monica asked.
"She's doing alright. I am not saying anything unless Scarlett is comfortable." I said.
"What happened?" Monica asked
"I guess something happened to her husband." I said.
"Wait she's married." My girlfriend asked.
I nod "was. I'm not telling what happened. That's her story. Let me get back to her.
Monica gets the covers then she kissed me. "How are you doing with this?"
"I'm worried for her. I have never seen her this way. When our parents divorce she struggled but this. I don't know what to do." I said.
"Well you have us to help." She said.
I smiled as I was about to go to say something when I heard Joey called my name. So I hurried back across the hall.

Joey's POV:

I went to the bathroom real quick when I heard Scarlett. When I went to see what's going I see her moving but still sleeping, then she started muttering something. She kept saying "Dean, no Dean."
I realized she was having a nightmare. So I tried to wake her. I called Chandler and continued to shake her awake. She finally started to wake up and she looked around and saw me and started to cry. I pulled her into my arms and just hugged her. I whispered in her ear "I got you." And rubbed her back as she sobbed into my shirt.
When Chandler came in he asked "what happened?"
"I think she had a nightmare." I said as I continued holding Scarlett in my arms.
Chandler then came over and pulled her towards him. "Hey, kiddo."
I watched them interact with each other. She eventually calmed down and even laid her head into Chandler's lap.
"I think I'm ready to talk now." She said. "But first I got to ask Chandler something."

Scarlett's POV:

I pulled Chandler into the bedroom "Does he know about the supernatural?"
Chandler answered "yeah, actually they all do. They know how to stay safe and all that." Chandler said.
I nod.
"Do you want me to ask the others to come over?" My brother asked.
I shook my head and said "I'll just tell them that Dean died and give them the basics of what happened."
Chandler gave me an understanding look and rubbed my arm in a comforting way.
"I'll tell Joey. Since you are best friends and I already know you are going to tell him anyway." I said as we went back to the couch. "I'm kind of anxious so bear with me."
"Dean was my husband. And Chandler said you know about the supernatural so here we go. We were on a hunt about two weeks ago when it happened. We were hunting vampires but it didn't go well. The fight was going okay when I cut the head off of the one I was fighting and Sam did the one he had. Then I saw that Dean was struggling so naturally I cut that vampire's head off too. Then I saw the spike sticking out of him and that's when I knew something was wrong. He ended up dying. I watched my husband died and I can't help but miss him. I love him and I don't know how I'm going to get through this life with out him. I don't want to live anymore Chandler. He was it." I said as I broke out into sobs.
Chandler pulled me into a hug and Joey rubbed my back. Then Chandler pulled away and held my face in his hands and wiped my tears. "That's what we're here for. We're going to help you."
I looked at my brother "okay. But what do you do when the one person you trusted more in this world is taken from you?"
"You look around and turn to your friends and you know that they are going to help you get through your toughest battles."

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