Chapter 4

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Scarlett's POV:

Chandler looks at me "when you are ready go ahead and come over across the hall."
"Okay I'm going to change into something a little bit more comfortable." Walking into the room I'm going to be staying in. Sam had brought up my bags for me earlier. I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and oversized shirt and put on a pair of socks and slides. Then I go to the bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun. When I'm done I come out to see Joey smiling at me. I smiled back and asked him out of curiosity "So what do you do?"
"I'm an actor. I was on Days of our Lives" he said.
I smiled thinking about it "oh cool." I said.
"Chandler went back over with Monica." Joey informed me " you ready?"
"Yeah let's go." I answered.
Joey grabs my hand and leads me across the hall to Monica and Chandler's apartment. When we went in he asked me what I want to drink and I answered him and said a water. He goes and grab me one to which I nod my head in thanks.
Monica's apartment smelled so good almost like an apple pie. I frowned because the smell made me think of Dean to which Joey noticed. So he asked me "You okay?"
"Yeah. This smell. It smells like apple pie. Dean absolutely loved pie. Like it was his favorite food ever. He made me enjoy pie almost as much as he did." I said with a sad smile.
"I bet." Joey said. "Tell me more about him."
I started to ramble on "He was amazing. His eyes were the greenest eyes I have ever seen. When he was happy they would light up the whole room. He was extremely protective. I always felt safe in his arms. He was a huge family man. He loved his car. That's for sure. We did things in that car."
Joey asked "How you meet him?"
I took a deep breath. "He saved me. I was walking home, and this guy tried to have his way with me, and Dean saved me. I was terrified. Dean hugged me and I had cried into his shoulders. I eventually looked into his eyes and I instantly fell for him. I wasn't new to the supernatural out there. And then Dean and Sam taught me more about it. We later started dating and I eventually talked him into getting married. We didn't have an actual wedding we just got eloped. Chandler was there and so was Sam and to us that all what really mattered. Family was all that mattered. I didn't really have friends. I have always had a hard time letting people in. But Dean did too. I guess that's how we fell for each other knowing we both don't like letting people in. But we always told each other everything. And I mean everything. I never knew I could love him as much as I did. But now he is gone. I'm going to forever miss him." I said with a tear falling down my face.
Joey reached out a hand and wiped the tear away with his thumb then pulled me into a hug.
We pulled apart. We continued talking when Chandler put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?"
I nod "Just telling Joey about Dean."
"He sounds like he was a great guy." The Italian said.
I looked into his eyes and I smiled. Chandler nod in agreement "he was a great guy. You could tell you two were made for each other."
I looked at Joey and Chandler and thought to myself that I am going to be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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