War of the Roses timeline (condensed, gay)

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This is a timeline of the War of the Roses, has most important people's birthdates if you're trying to figure out how old anyone is or whatever. Yes this is what I worked off of.

1421 - H6 born

1422- H5 dies, H6 becomes king

1430-34 (latest) - Jasper/Exeter born

1452 - R3 born

1453 - H6 falls into coma/ Prince Edward Born,

1454, H6 recovers, York is his successor

1455 - Battle of St Albans 1 (Jasper/H6/Somerset participate, Somerset killed, Jasper WIA, H6 WIA)

1456 -Anne born

1457 -H7 born

1458 - love day, MB marries Stafford

1460 - Battle of Northampton , H6 'captured', Margret flees to Scotland, Battle of Wakefield (York killed)

1461 - Battle of Mortimer's Cross, Battle of St Albans 2, Margret rescues H6, all flee to Scotland

1461 - Battle of Towton  (Younger Somerset sluts his way out of captivity, as does Stafford, who becomes a 'Yorkist')

1461-63 - H6 deposed and E4 officially king (Younger somerset sluts his way out of execution)

1464-H6 captured, Battle of Hexham (Younger Somerset killed)

1465 - H6 captured, R3 now 'of age'

1469 - Warwick revolts (for drama reasons), imprisons R3 and E4 who escape after a few months

1470-Warwick/Jasper return, free H6, run E4 off, E4 and R3 flee to Burgundy (Stafford is arrested but whines his way out)

1471 - H6 murdered/Battle of Barnet (Stafford/Warwick killed, not clear who Stafford was fighting for)/Battle of Tewksbury (Prince Edward killed), Jasper/H7 in exile get shipwrecked in Brittany, Margret captivity

1472 - R3 and Anne marry (MB is now a fixture at court, marries Stanley, Yorks genuinely don'T remember where they got her)

1475- E4 invades France sort of

1475 (ish) - Exeter disappears

1475 - Margret of Anjou ransomed by King Louis/E4 'invades' france

1476 -Prince Edward born

1471-1480 R3 clashes with Scotland, Stanley actually participates

1478-Prince Richard Marries

1481 - Princess Mary dies

1482 - Margret of Anjou dies/Richard's Scottish campaign

1483- E4 dies, R3 crowned after shenanigans

1483 - Buckingham rebels (R3 and the York braincell blame MB), The Great Escape (from Brittany)

1485 - Anne and Prince Edward die

22 August 1485 -Bosworth field

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