Do you know how...

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"AGH!" Rayla exclaimed as Kim'dael smirked. "Give up and surrender." "NO!" Rayla exclaimed, pushing Suroh out of the way as she was struck by her claws. "Surrender or he dies" Kim'dael said, holding her blade to Suroh's neck. Rayla froze. "Do you think I'm joking? Sheath your blades and surrender, or only you walk away with a life, and barely. You have 5 seconds. 5!4!3!2!1-" "FINE!" she said, sheathing her blades. Kim'dael appeared behind her as she roped her wrists together and ankles, putting a drop of blood on each as it turned into strong smoke, stinging her ankles through her boots and her ankles through her wrist garments(?). As she did the same to Suroh Kim'dael forced them to walk as they came upon a clearing, ruins decorating the outskirts of the unknown city."You brought her?" a feminine voice said. "As our deal requested, yes." "Show me." "Move" Kim'dael said as she threw Rayla over to the throne. Kim'dael forced Rayla to kneel as her hair fell and guarded her face, now fallen out of her previous bun, her hair long, not too far from the length of Runaan's. Her head had banged against a rock as it was healed by the mysterious woman. My father will be happy with her. "And your side of our deal?" Kim'dael asked. "Go ahead" the woman replied, teleporting something to her. "This will help you take down the Sunfire Queen and get her to free you." As Kim'dael began to walk off with Suroh, the woman stopped her. "Wait, I want him too. He will allow me to, motivate her." "Fine, but tell me this. Why do you want the moonshadow elf when you could have the baby dragon?" "Because, she is of more value, at the moment." "Au revoir" the woman said as she heard her exit the room. "Do you know how alike the moon arcanum and star arcanum are?" Rayla was silent, still in the kneeling position. "You see, both draw their power at night, under the moon and stars shimmering rays of light. That's what your name means, am I correct? Ray of moonlight? I see you don't trust me. I do not understand why. I haven't even done anything." "Well, you obviously sent the bloodmoon huntress after me" she replied. "Finally!" She was surprised by the relief in the statement. "I won't hurt you. Neither will my father." "And who is your father?" "I cannot tell you yet, but you will find out when we see him in the sky." Rayla heard the woman's heels of her shoes click against the ground lightly as she sat. The woman lifted her head as Rayla saw the woman. She was a startouch elf, with jewel chains hanging from her elegant horns. "What do you want?" "I want to tell you something. The moon and stars, long ago, were separated. They both illuminated the night sky, but were rivals, battling for power. The sun was asleep during their battles. The shooting stars collapsed, displaced through the wars. They both refused to back down, so it continued for centuries. But, it was a moonshadow elf who came across a falling star that stopped it all. With the Shadow of Moonlight Staff, they came in to create an armistice, allowing them peace. The moon blessed the Moonshadow elf with her power, and the stars blessed the Moonshadow elf by making her half startouch, bestowing the powers among her. But, because she was still a moonshadow elf, she eventually died. She was placed in the stars, remembered for millennia by the startouch elves. This is who you know as Leola." "Leola's last wish" Rayla said softly. "Yes. And, a startouch elf of her time prophecized something. That instead of coming back to life when the time is right, Leola transferrs her magic and power to her great-granddaughter. She was prophecized to defeat the greatest and most powerful of them all, but will never know until her 21st birthday when her power, destiny, and startouch side would be revealed."Why are you telling me this?" "Because you have the fire in your eyes that she did. There is a chance your mother was her great-granddaughter. We must begin our travels to the stars to see my father. He will be happy to see you again, along with two others. I will trust you that you will not try to run. I do not want to, but I will hurt your friend if you try to." As she snapped, the blood magic released her skin, and swam to the ground. Rayla stood. "But you need to get changed. You can't go to the star's luxury without looking like true royalty. I'll help you." "If I may ask, what is your name?" "My Lovynyaeh." "Purity of the Stars?" "Yes. But you may call me Nyaeh." "Nyaeh." As Nyaeh snapped, a gorgeous dress came up, decorated with stars, slightly flowing and with a pearl, drooping belt, elegant and with flowing sleeves.

Rayla got changed as she discarded her old clothes and Nyaeh entered the room as she used purple magical thread leaving a open back with a bow at the top. "Now for the horns." As Lovynyaeh gently put jewels on her brown horns, they hung in her long, flowing hair, and finally putting a necklace on her. "This was Leola's jewel, the jewel in your necklace. Come, let us go." As Rayla tucked a necklace Zubiea had given her under her dress, she left with Lovynyaeh.

"The plan is in motion" he said. "What are we supposed to do with her? Absorb her magic?" "No, we either convince, motivate, or brainwash her." "How would we brainwash her?" "Her great-grandmother was the creator of the spell that could brainwash anyone into their will. She abolished it, of course, realizing what would happen if it got into anyone's hands." "How do you know Leola?" "Ah, she was my...sister." "WAIT SO SHE'S YOUR..." "Neice. Yes. But that does not mean I will hesitate to brainwash her. My sister was brilliant, but she could not control her power. Neither will she, but, with my guidance and our, shaping of her, all of that will change. Oh, how naive she is. Sadly I had to keep my true intentions partially from my daughter. Oh, Rayla. Rayla, Rayla, Rayla. She has no idea what is coming."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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