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(Angels POV still) I started looking for als Mom I eventually found her but I was painting trying to explain what happened Al..... hospital you okay honey she said yeah I'm just trying to catch my breath from running I say breathlessly okay so here's what happened Al went out for a walk and I think he was kidnap by vox or something anyways he was beat up by him and I found him in my work alley and now he's in the hospital and I don't really know his condition right now I say quickly as she looked at me in shock what are we doing standing around for let's go as she started running towards the portal that was still open and I followed *at the hospital*we made it to the hospital and was greeted by everyone sitting outside of a room what happened I asked Charlie as I am sitting down  they won't say anything because we're not family the most they said is that he's fine we waited a couple more minutes than the doctor came to talk to us okay so who's the family here I am his Mom his mother said I am his husband I said okay he is doing fine he just is in a coma right now because of the loss of blood but other than that he's okay and everyone including me sighed with relief so I have a little question with the mother yes his mom said as the doctor pulled her aside since he's never been in this hospital before we're going to need his real name and his birth and when he died ok sure as she pulled out his ID his real name is Augustine

Calisto was born 1917 and died in 1933 i was in shock as those words kept on making my ears ring he can't be Augustine I need to make sure i got up and snatched the ID from the doctor they were right it's him as his mother snatched it right back as I heard flatline from Augustine monitor Augustine I screamed as Charlie and husk pulled me back no angel you can't they pulled me back as Augustine body was being rolled away his heart failed from the loss of blood we're going to give him a blood transfusion the doctor said as they walked do you know his real name his mom said  I knew him in my human life I was his boyfriend prove it husk yelled I grab my wallet for my pocket I gave husk and Augustine's mom my ID that was in it was my human ID from when I was alive it said my full name and my picture Anthony Alonzo Renzo  Anthony?she said  yep that's my real name I knew you in real life I just didn't know you Augustine's mother Stay with Augustine I have to leave heaven's going to know I'm down here bye it was great to see you again Anthony she said walking outside bye I said so you knew al when you were alive Charlie asked as I slowly nodded my head and sat back down angel I know I never asked this at the wedding but what happened to your mom I know you don't talk about your dad and he was mean to you growing up but what about your mom I slowly started hyperventilating and clenched on my jacket with my bottom set of arms Angel Charlie said completely worried and I just kept on breathing heavily just the question about my mom makes me remember about how she died I was about 7 years old when I was still learning how to kill my mom didn't know about how pops tried to make us take over the family mafia one day I remember what day I just finally had enough and told my mom it was when pops  showed us how to drown people I was traumatized and after pops was distracted I  ran to my mom and told her about it and everything about what he's been trying do she was furious and confronted him about it but that night I will never forget me and my brother and sister were hiding in a room it's basically a little room where we would hide when our parents were fighting but after a little bit of yelling and cursing we heard our pops go over to the closet and pull out a gun me and sal poked our heads out to see what was going on and the second we saw that gun we pushed Molly back inside of the room so she won't see what's about to happen pops shot mom straight in the chest and I blame myself after that I'm the one who took our mom away if I just kept my stupid mouth shut she would probably be a big part of our childhood ANGEL Charlie screamed getting me out of my thoughts  are you ok charlie said again clearly very worried  ya toots sorry froze up i said with a warm smile we are hedding back to the hotel you ok staying here by yourself ya i will text you when al is ok i say as she and the rest walked to the front door a little while later as I sat in a little chair I saw Al's body being slowly rolled in to his room and a doctor coming to talk to me all right he's fine now he says the only thing about you have to do now is wait for him to wake up the doctor adds as they walk away I got up then went inside the room I sat down and held Augustines hand titely I should have went with you I would have been able to protect you

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