Chapter 6: Internal Conflict

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A little later, Ariana, Scorpio, and Ichthys were in Dui's room while Dui was resting in the bed. "Hey... Why couldn't you subdue him this time?" Scorpio asked. "I don't know to be honest..." Ariana said. "So I guess Ariana didn't subdue him with her own powers after all..." Ichthys said. "Hm... The cause of making him collapse was when he threw me in the pool and he looked into the pool and then- Wait a second..! Last time Shadow Dui leaned over me and saw his reflection in the pool. That might be the result of him collapsing." Ariana said. "It's worth testing out!" Ichthys said.

A few hours later, Dui finally awoken. "Did it happen again..?" Dui asked. "Yeah, it happened again." Ariana said. "I'm sorry. Is anyone hurt?" Dui asked. "No. Scorpio was able to get you under control." Ariana said. "Thank goodness..." Dui said. "Also... We were talking and realized something. Has your other self ever seen his reflection and then changed back to you?" Ariana asked. "Reflection? Now that you mention it... I pass mirrors several times and my other self never showed up." Dui said. "I knew it." Ariana said. "If this could be stopped with a mirror, then it would save a lot of trouble for everyone. Thanks Ariana." Dui said. "Don't thank me." Ariana said. "Why don't you come rest with me?" Dui asked. "I'm fine but thanks." Ariana said. "So you are scared of me..." Dui said. "No! That's not it! I just don't feel tired right now." Ariana said and laughed.

He rose up from the bed and embraced her. "I have something really selfish to say. Can I tell you and promise me not to laugh?" Dui asked. "I promise." Ariana said. "I think I love you." Dui said. "...HUH?!" Ariana exclaimed. "Not in the way people love friends. When I think about you, something inside makes me ache in a bittersweet way that could make me cry." Dui said. "The horoscope thing is coming true!" Ariana thought. "I don't deserve to love anyone, I keep telling myself that, but... I can't lie about my feelings." Dui said touching her cheek. "He really is that 'right guy' I wished for..." Ariana thought blushing. "This emotion I've experienced. It's the feelings people call love. I want to make you mine and only mine. No matter what trouble comes our way, I promise to keep you safe. I want you to stay with me. That's how I feel." Dui said. "Holy crap... My heart is beating so freaking fast!" Ariana thought. "Just for now... Let's stay like this just a little bit longer." Dui said. "How about forever?" Ariana asked. "Huh..? You mean..?" Dui asked.

She looked down blushing like crazy. "I love you too..." Ariana said. "Thanks. I've never felt so warm before. This makes me so happy." Dui said. "Um... May we..?" Ariana asked. "Kiss?" Dui asked. "Y-Yeah..." Ariana said.

He pulled her in for a kiss which both got lost into it.

They pulled away and looked at each other. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Dui said taking something out of a drawer and put it on his hand. "What is this?" Ariana asked. "It's a charm. To protect you. It's a goddess medallion. It's my treasure. I've had it for a long time." Dui said.

She flipped it around and saw a clear mirror on the other side. "If my other self appears again, use that for both of our sakes." Dui said. She closed her hand with the medallion. "I will."

A couple days later, Dui invited Ariana to go out in the city with him. "Sorry I asked you to come out so suddenly. Not to mention you just got out of class. You must be exhausted." Dui said. "I'm not. It's fine." Ariana said. "Look! People are gathering over there! What's happening?" Dui asked going over to the spot he was looking at.

He ended up going to a vending machine. "Ariana, what is this?" Dui asked. "It's a vending machine." Ariana said. "Vending... Machine?" Dui asked. "Yeah. You see how much the price of the snack you want, and you put the amount in that coin inserter. You then press the button that's under the snack you want, and it slides out and it drops down here." Ariana explained. "Oh... Can I try it?" Dui asked. "Yeah. What do you want?" Ariana asked. "That one." Dui said pointing to it. "Ok. Give me a sec." Ariana said getting out some coins and put it into the machine.

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