Bubbles (seth x reader)

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This one was a request:3

Gender: N/A (neutral)

Pronouns: N/A (none used)

Genre: Anxiety/stress comfort, fluff

Cw/tw: mentions of stress/anxiety

extra: my second attempt at this one. the first one just wasn't right lol:)


"oh sugar, is there anything i can do to help you feel better?" Seth asked.

"I-I don't really know." i was still shaky from today. all i wanted was to collapse on my bed and sleep, but i still needed to shower and do our laundry and-

"Hey, how about this, I run you a bubble bath so you can get clean and cozy in your jammies." He started, interrupting my spiraling, "And i'll get all your chores done for you? So when you're done your bath we can cuddle on the couch and watch a show. that sound alright?"


"sugar you need rest, i can do your chores for you today. i just wanna help you,"  he chided as he started for the bathroom. 

"..okay," i said and followed him. 


After Seth left I undressed and stuck my foot in the soapy water to test it. It's wasn't too bad, so I got in the tub and lowered down slowly. The heat of the water calming my nerves.

I sighed.


After i had gotten dressed, i slowly made my way down the hall to the living room where seth had been waiting for me. "You feelin' a bit better hon?" he asked as i laid my head on his chest, to tired to speak.

I nodded.

"Wanna watch favourite/comfort show with me? Get your mind off things for a bit?" he asked softly.

"yeah," I whispered, snuggling into his chest.

"Alright sugar," he said, wrapping his arms around me while he turned on the show. I fell asleep.


hey y'all, sorry this bitch is short as hell, and that it took so long. hope y'all enjoyed this one:]

about the gender/pronouns thing- it just didn't come up so i didn't see the need for it-

uh yeah, peace out

-ray the boy kisser:3

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