Chapter 2

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The following week was... somewhat awkward, what with the staring and the whispers and whatnot. And Hogwarts was big. And confusing. Like a maze. At least Draco knew his way around, with Harry quickly catching on. They might have arrived at the last minute to most classes, but that's normal for first years. The classes themselves were a bit difficult to understand, which makes sense because it's about magic, but Draco was ready to help of Harry needed it. Although, staying awake during Histor of Magic was an achievement for both of them, and it took a combined effort to keep each other awake. A class that Harry originally looked forward to was Defence Against The Dark Arts. But Professor Quirell made the classes feel drawn out with his respective stuttering, and the smell of garlic was strong.

Friday was nice, since Draco and Harry made it to the Great Hall for breakfast relatively on time today. "What do we have today?" Asks Harry.
Draco looks over their schedule. "Double potions with the Gryffindors. Potions class is taught by Professor Snape. He's a decent teacher, as long as you do what he says. He's also my godfather." Soon after that, the owl post comes in, each owl finding their owner and dropping their mail. Hedwig never really Brough him mail, but he was happy to give her a helping of bacon. When she came by during the post. Today however, Hedwig dropped a letter on the table in front of her owner. A letter from Hagrid asking if he'd like tea. Harry borrows a quill from Draco and scribbles back a "yes". He didn't tell Draco who the letter was from or to. He doubts having the groundskeeper as his first friend was a good impression to make at a magic school.

Potions was... interesting. Snape, like the other Professors, started the class by taking the register, and like the other Professors, he took a pause at Harry's name. "Ah, Harry Potter. Our new celebrity." A few Gryffidnors snicker. "Quiet." The entire room went dead silent. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making." His words were barely a whisper in the quiet room, but everyone paid close attention. "As there is little wand waving in this class, many of you won't believe that this is real magic. I don't expect you to understand the beauty of the softly simmering and it's shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through humans veins, bewitching the mind and ensnaring one's senses. I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death. If you aren't as big a lot of dunderheads like what I usually teach."

Harry didn't know about everyone else, but his focus was purely on Snape. He could tell that at the bare minimum, potions was going to be interesting. "Potter." Harry startles at hearing his name. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry was quick to flick through his notebook, even as a girls hand shot into the air. After what the senior Slytherin told him, he took spare time to take notes on potions and plants.
"Draught of... Living Death?"
Snape raises a skeptical brow. "A true potion maker remebers his potions. But the fact you thought to open a book before class shows more competence than I am used to, at least. Where would I look if I wanted to find a bezoar?"
That was a simple fact, and Harry didn't need to look through his notes. "Stomach of a goat, sir."
Snape hums, seemingly caught between being impressed and disgruntled. "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"
Harry DID have to go through his herbs notes for that, but thankfully it was a simple find, since they were on the same page. "They're the same plant, sir."
Snape is silent for a moment. "15 points to Slytherin, five for each correct answer." He looks around the room. "Well? Why aren't you taking this down?" That triggered mad scrambling for quills throughout the room.

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