Chapter 1

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"Ever, you're such a nerd." Lacey giggled, rolling her eyes. I couldn't truthfully deny this statement because, as it so happens, I am a nerd. Up and down, side to side, personally, appearance and everything else about me was all, one hundred percent nerd-ish.
"I own that title proudly," I declared, but she ignored me and continued.
"You are also a goody-goody. These are the only two reasons I'm excusing you for not realizing that that guy just asked you on a date." A date? No, that's not possible. People don't ask me on dates. Especially not Kaleb Daleson people, A.K.A, football player people.
"You're being ridiculous Lace." She flipped her thick blonde hair and looked at me with that you're-so-clueless look that typically pisses people off, but when you're friends with Lacey you kind of have to get used to it.
"Dude! Guys don't just ask you if you wanna go see a movie sometime just because. Kaleb totally just asked you out, and you totally just rejected him. You probably bruised his ego." She got more and more dramatic with each word, hands moving and head bobbing as the sentence left her lips.
"Well, I didn't wanna go to the movie with him." I stated, hoping she would get it and let me leave.
"No one rejects Kaleb. He's one of the best football players on the team. That makes him, like, the equivalent to a God."
"Then maybe he deserves to have his ego bruised. You know, to get him off his high horse," I laughed. This only caused her glare to become deeper and more scary, or scary for anyone else, but as I'd previously mention; when you're friends with Lacey, you have to get used to her drama.
" Okay, okay. I get it. I just rejected a popular football players date invitation without realizing it. Nite can we please leave? School ended half an hour ago and this isn't where I wanna spend the rest of my Friday." She crossed her arms and stuck her nose up at me, but she started walking in the direction of my house, so I was happy.

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