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"Mob, look..." Reigen put his hand on Mob's shoulder. "Stop bringing your brother around, please." Mob tilted his head in confusion. "But why? Did he do something wrong?" Reigen stared at the kid and glared down at the floor, thinking of what to say. "No, not really. I just don't like your brother and nor does he like me." Reigen admitted, looking at the kid in his eyes. Mob sighed. "I'm sure he likes you; he just won't admit it." Reigen ripped his hand down from Mob's shoulder and crossed them in his lap. "Look, Mob, I don't need to be a psychic to know that he doesn't like me. I bet even if I saved your life, he would still hate my guts." Reigen sighed and leaned back in his office chair, spinning left to right slowly. "Your brother doesn't like me, and he never will. Because of that, I don't like him." Before Mob could speak again Reigen interrupted by slamming his hand on the desk. "He hates me, Mob! Take a hint, would ya?" Reigen yelled as Shigeo flinched. "He will never feel any nice emotion towards me, if he had a choice to live his normal daily life or kill me, he would shoot me straight in the head!" Mob glared at Reigen, feeling quite sorry for the man. 
"Hey Master, can you open the door for me please?" Mob shouted out, trying to shush his brother. "Did you lose the key or something?" Reigen asked, standing near the door. "Ritsu! Calm down, we'll work this out, okay?" Mob reassured, grabbing onto his arm. "Sorry, what was that?" Reigen asked, Mob could basically see his confused expression through the door. "Nothing! Just open the door please." Reigen swung the door open. He jumped when he saw Mob's brother standing next to him. "AHH! WHY DID YOU BRING RAT SOUP WITH YOU?" Reigen yelled, holding onto the door so he didn't fall backwards. 'Rat Soup' glanced at the man in utter shock. "R-r-RAT SOUP?!" Ritsu shouted, questioning whether to be laughing or crying. Reigen stood himself up properly. "Yeah, that's your name, isn't it?"
Reigen fiddled around on his computer, trying to ignore the continuous death stare Ritsu has been giving him. "So, Master. You're probably wondering why I brought him with me." Mob stood up. Reigen looked up from his computer to listen. "Well, I just wanted to make you guys not hate each other!" Reigen and Ritsu sighed in unison. "Mob, I'm not going to be friends with your brother." Reigen took a sip of his tea. "Well, Ritsu, why don't you tell him why you hate him at least?" Reigen put his tea down. "Now that'll be interesting to hear!" He leaned back in his chair. Ritsu looked at his brother. "Mob, do I have to?" Mob nodded. He groaned, annoyed. He stood up. "Well, it's because you're a fraud! I don't want you 'teaching' my brother about things you don't even know about!" Reigen sat there, thinking how to reply. "Is that really any of your business, though?" Reigen shuffled in his seat, taking another sip of his tea before continuing. "I mean, you don't know what I'm teaching him, I could be teaching him the greatest thing ever. I know you're worried about your brother, but you need to worry about your own things. Emo sonic." Ritsu stood there, thinking about his words. "Wait, what did you call me?"
"So uh, can you guys be friends now?" Mob asked, trying to keep positive. Reigen looked at Ritsu. Ritsu looked at Reigen. "It just doesn't work like that, Mob. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be friends with him." Ritsu agreed. Mob looked sad. Ritsu felt bad for his sad brother. 'What if I just kill him off? I mean, if we can't get to an agreement, I'll just kill the man.' 
Ritsu picked up his boiling hot tea. "Be careful with that, Ritsu. It's hot." Reigen was doing work on his computer. Ritsu though for a moment. Did Reigen still care anyway? Ritsu shook his head to get arid of that wild thought. Ritsu stared at the boiling tea. He then overarm threw it at Reigen with all his power. The cup hit Reigen smack bang in his face, the cup shattering, cutting his face while the tea burns his skin. Luckily, Reigen had his had off the computer. He didn't scream or yell, but instead just stood up. Ignoring his severe burns and cuts on his face, he walked over to the kid, tea still in hand. "Master?! Are you okay?!" Mob asked, stuck in utter shock. "Hey! Don't feel sorry for that loser!" Reigen glared at Ritsu. When the two made eye contact, Ritsu shivered. He knew he was going to die in that moment. Reigen's eyes were full of malice and hatred. Reigen rammed the cup into Ritsu's face, making sure it spilt on his eyes and the cup shattered into many different shards. Mob's eyes widened as he saw the immense amount of blood flowing from his brother's face. Reigen grabbed his hair and slammed his head on the corner of the table, it pierces through his skull. He kicked the back of Ritsu's head, causing the table corner to pierce through the skull even more, splitting the head in half. Blood sprayed everywhere, Reigen being drenched in it. Reigen threw the kid onto the ground and put his foot on his back and started to slowly rip his arm off. The ligament cracked and popped as the arm went out of its socket. Slowly. Slowly his arm got ripped off. Blood flowed out of where the arm used to be. Reigen bit the arm, ripping off a gouge of skin. Ritsu's blood and brains flowed out of his head. He then ripped the bone out of the arm and stabbed it into Ritsu's head, where it split in half. Reigen then compressed his head until what remained exploded, getting blood and brains all over Reigen and Mob. He turned to the brother. "I bet you're hungry, want some?" Reigen flopped the arm around Mob's face. He stared at it. He decided to eat it too, he didn't want to end up like his brother. He grabbed the arm and bit it, shaking furiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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