better bf then him.

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Yeji's pov:
Today I went out with my "bf" he's toxic af we "date" only because of families business not for long tho...
He posted tweet with me I didn't cared then I saw the flowers on my couch and I started to think about hyunjin I feel like I'm falling for him but like look at his everything he is perfect.
The tweet :

Hyunjin saw the photo he knew about him anyways he was just a little jealous maybe I think that's what his tweets says
Hyunjin's private tweet:





Yeji's tweet:

Hyunjin's tweet:

Yeji is still thinking about everything what's happening she has a "bf" but she is falling for someone other
Yeji was thinking carefully what will happened and how will this go when Yeji's phone rang
Hyunjin: heyy yejiii
Yeji:oh hyuniee heyy
Hyunjin: You busy?
Yeji:nope I'm on a break wanna come?
Hyunjin:yes please
Yeji:okayy can I make you tea ?
Hyunjin:yeahh I'm gonna be there in like 10 - 15 mins
Yeji:okayy byee
Hyunjin: bye hun
-After 10 mins-
Hyunjin: hellouu
Yeji:heyy how are you?
Hyunjin: im here with you what other should be good
Yeji: here's your tea
Hyunjin: I think you're red a little bit
Yeji: really?
[Maybe if you wouldn't flirt with me I wouldn't be red]
Hyunjin: yeah
Yeji: I was thinking I could give you some soup too
Hyunjin: mhm why not
Yeji: okayy can you bring the tea to the livingroom
Hyunjin: okayy
Hyunjin went to the livingroom yeji thought that hyunjin would wait for her there she was a little bit wrong tho
Yeji was putting the soup into microwave while it was warming she cleaned up the tea bags when the lights went off yeji felt some hands on her
Hyunjin: im not hyunjin
Yeji: who are you then?
Hyunjin: im just a ghost don't worry , I came to visit you
Yeji: with touching me
Hyunjin: maybe
Hyunjin picked up yeji on the counter

and kissed her yeji kissed him back but she didn't know why she felt good she was supposed ti feel bad no? I mean she still has a "bf" even tho he's toxic and shits but whatever
Kissing always turns into making out
Yeji:hyunjin I don't have a trust that this is a good idea
Hyunjin: I still don't know who are you always talking about who is hyunjin?
Yeji: I don't know then how ot call you but I know that this won't turn out without anything
Hyunjin: im doing nothing ,just let me do my things
Yeji: but I have a bf
Hyunjin: I can be a better boyfriend then him.
Yeji:I know
Hyunjin: im kinda thinking I'm gonna steal you from him , I can be a such a gentleman
Yeji: plus I know your clothes would fit
Yeji's hands were wrapped around Hyunjin's neck while they were only making a eye contact
Hyunjin: You're just gonna stare at me like that
Yeji: we can't do anything more it still somehow counts as dating
Hyunjin: about I'll just take a little pieces of you and then steal you
Yeji: depends on how
Hyunjin: a little mark here and here and here.......
-enjoy ♡♡

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