The Beginning

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At the dark night of the oceans of the Techno Trolls tribes. In the surface was raining hard, the whole tribes have gather themselves around on the cemetery for one graveyards. 

Trollex stare down at the grave solemly while holding a dark blue neon egg in his grasp, few techno trolls softly put some flowers on the grave in honor and misery for the loose of the Queen. 

When everyone have left, Trollex stay still on his spot. Taking a deep breathe and let it out and grip the egg gently, "I promise you, my love..." he look down at the egg softly. "I will take care of our child...for you and everyone else..." he stroke the egg's shell gently.

He stay there for a bit before he finally left, not noticing the spirit smiling warmly at him from the stone before disappearing in thin air. 










It had been four weeks but the egg haven't hatched yet, this worried Trollex dearly. He have went to attended each doctor appointment about it but the doctors said that the egg is healthy, all he need to do is wait be patients. 

A lot of negative though come rushing in his mind, what if the baby didn't survive? Will he lose his only child too like his wife? He got snapped out from his though when he heard the sound that he have been waiting for.

The egg slowly crack, then a tiny blue neon hands appeared slowly breaking the egg's shell. "Come on can do it.." Trollex encouraged the little one. Finally, the egg crack and fall out a neon baby techno troll that similar to Trollex ontop of the bed.

Trollex smile happily before noticing something, the little one's hair was similar to a jellyfish stinger yet it has his hair color. He gave it a confused look and slightly touch it and felt a sting pain brush over his fingers. 

Quickly on retreating his hand and touch over his finger that got sting, waving it to cool down the pain, he winced. A yawn caught his attention, seeing the little one just yawn and slowly opening [his/her] eyes and look around in curiosity.

Trollex smile warmly and gently pick the young one up, the little one yawn once again and look at Trollex in curiosity. Lifting [his/her] hands up and touch his cheek and babble out some baby noise, Trollex heart melt and kiss [him/her] on the forehead. 

His [son/daughter] giggled slightly and nuzzled close on his chest, he chuckle and sit over on the bed and gently yet carefully stroke [his/her] head to avoid getting sting.

"Hello, [Y/N]. I'm your daddy, baby [boy/girl]." he said and nuzzle [his/her] nose making them giggled before sneezing. He chuckle and have his finger being grabbed by [Y/N] who smile and start to play with it while laughing. A sort of lighting start to form around their hair where it start to slithered around that made Trollex realize something.


Outside the castle, a loud thunder appeared from inside where it was available to be seen from the windows before disappearing by the second. Trollex open his eyes and blink, puffing out a smoke from his mouth while [Y/N] giggled at his messy appeared. [His/Her] hair went back to normal, Trollex look down at [Y/N] and just chuckle dryly.

"You're a special one, aren't you?" the king of techno said, [Y/N] giggled once again before yawning and slowly close their eyes and snuggled close to Trollex's chest and fell asleep.

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