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Night fallen over the worlds, star twinkle above the dark sky. In the LED castle, Trollex swim down the hallway and stop when he was about to passed [Y/N]'s room. He gently push open the door and peak in, seeing [Y/N] sleeping peacefully on their bed.

Trollex smile and close back the door before swimming to his room.













[Y/N]'s eyes open, after the door being close they quickly get up, removing the cover off them and immediately hop off their bed. Taking their sling-bag that hidden beside their bed with the stuff they needed and swim out from the window while closing it behind before swimming away from the castle.


[Y/N] met up with the Gangs at the other side of the beach shore, Pitch saw their arrival and wave. They float to stop beside him and smile before turning serious, "Alright, got everything we need?" they ask and the Gang nodded.

"Ok! Let me and Set introduced this baby to all of you." Dric said and move aside to show them a jeep with transparent glasses at the top while the bottom are metals with four black tires, blue dark-ocean paint job as the vehicle itself almost look like a ship mix with car.

"We call it the 'Rhythm Jeep'. Set and I made this design since we got inspired by Queen Barb angler bus. So we both think about this and Ta-da!" Dric exclaim and pat the jeep's hood with a grin.

The Gang look impressed, "And the perfect driver is [Y/N]! I could drive but I think I'll become the detector instead." Dric added and press the remote, opening up the glasses with a hiss.

Five empty seat were place at the back while two were place as passenger and the driver, "Oh landlord guys...this is incredible!" [Y/N] said with a smile as they went to sit on the driver and grab the wheels with a grin. "Nice.."

The Gang put their stuff on the jeep bunker, [Y/N] pull out the scroll that was drawn over for the worlds map. The Gang hop in and made themselves comfortable, "Where to first?" Joseph ask and peak over from his seat towards [Y/N].

They put the scroll back in their sling bag and turn on the engine, "The Dub-Step. The tribe was closer from Pop tribe territory, besides we literally at the beach right now." they state and press the transformed button to turn the jeep into a submarine and dive straight towards the water while the Gang buckle themselves up.








Morning came by, birds chirping over from the trees and sky. Synth took a breathe and let it out. Feeling fresh for the new day, from what he heard the leaders of six tribes are going to have a meeting, wich mean his older brother and [nephew/neice] are coming.

He was excited for sure, said leaders have arrived and step out from the caterpillar bus. "Trollex!" he greeted and float towards Trollex who smile and hug him wich he gladly return the gesture.

Synth broke the hug and look around, he gave Trollex a confusion look. "Where's Glowstick?" he ask. "[He/She] must have woke up earlier and hang out with [his/her] friends. You know how [he/she] is." Trollex said and sigh.

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