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A brezze ran through the streets as Nine Pokemon walked through the noisy streets.
"What now?"Green leaf Leafeon said twisting her green and yellow tail."I guess, we should wander till we find food..." Eevee said leading the others."Well first, we should find A trainer!" Espeon said shaking her head."Nonsense, a smart Pokemon would always look before a human food is more important." Flareon said snickering."Whatever." Espeon said before looking at Eevee again saying "What now?" "Lets just do the same thing at the same time?" Sylveon said chasing a butterfly. "What ever." Espeon said turning around to her Siblings."I'll be back." Espeon said running away."Lets just go already!"
Flareon said walking away."Lets just go- OMG!!!! look!!!!!!! Vapreon said jumping up and down."Oh my Gurd! and Espeon just headed that way!!!!
Umbreon said."Run go!" Jolteon said running ahead of them toward the building."We got to get there before the whole building is on fire!!!" "I'm the only fire type here I'll go." Flareon said."But but- Enough! I must go to save my sister!" "But I care about you!" Eevee said bursting into tears.
"I'm sorry guys but, I must for the life of our sister." "Okay.... if you say so...."

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