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Wednesday, February 1stA Condo in HoustonOnika's Pov

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Wednesday, February 1st
A Condo in Houston
Onika's Pov

The obnoxious ringing of my phone had me regretting not putting it on do not disturb, an irritated breath leaving my lips as I ventured out the bathroom. Shea butter coated my skin as I was fresh out the shower, I could hear the bed creak as the man became curious. I only hoped whoever was calling didn't cause a fuss this morning, not in the mood for any drama.

I allowed him to investigate, the ringtone familiar signaling its insignificance to me. Still, it was during his time that it rang and he was completely oblivious to how I went about my business.

Thankfully, the noise stopped as I began slipping on my clothes for the day. I thought god was on my side, deciding to give me a break, yet soon after the same chimes flooded the room. I could feel his eyes lingering upon my backside, my lips never parted to greet him. I just knew he'd feel some type of way.

"How you getting FaceTimes from Pizza Hut?" He quizzed, gaze burning into my behind as I finished putting on my attire. His query was harsh, venom laced within his tone. I'd pity him had I not been so over his words.

Pizza Hut was FaceTiming me. That alone was an issue in itself and it pissed me off, I knew damn well that that man knew to never bling my line tryna see me. It wasn't going to work, and I made a mental note to break things off with them after this confrontation was dealt with.

"What you want me to say?" I gave him a choice, he could leave this whole mess alone, or we could talk about it, but I couldn't promise he'd be happy with either of those options.

"I don't know, Nicki, the fuck? How about you explain why the fuck you got niggas blowing up your line like you don't got a nigga?!"

Immediately, I was filled with blasé at his choice of action, I wouldn't tolerate him getting loud with me. In my home, no less, my kindness was running thin, and him cussing at me was disrespectful. He could kick rocks for all I cared.

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