32. Safe?

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Sorry! Sorry! It's Bhaidooj so we had guests at home and I was so busy. Here is the update.

And also I couldn't reply to the comments on the previous chapter but I read each and every comment.

And to every girl who went through something like that. Just keep in mind you were never wrong, It was them and their ghatiya soch. You are really strong to fight those monsters and just never give up in front of them. i know it's hard to face those monsters but we have to face them if we want to live our life.

Stay Strong. They attack you when they have the misconception that you are weak. Never be afraid of those monsters.

SPOILER: Don't know if Aashrit would beat him up or not but in the end, you'd be satisfied with the punishment.



The door was being knocked loudly as Meera slowly walked towards the door scared of the face behind it. Her words stuck in her mouth and only managed to croak out


And on hearing the voice from the other side, she quickly opened the door. And there he was standing outside her room in a button-up white shirt with a blue coat over it and a pair of blue pants as the brown shoes complimented his look with a truffle bag in his hand.

Meera suddenly felt all worries washing away and a sense of relief spreading across her face

"Aap yahan?" She asked ( You here?)

Aashrit looked at her relief-filled face and felt contented on seeing her happy about his presence. He loved it, it made him feel special and what could be better than being desired by someone?

"Kyu? Aapko acha ni lga kya hme yha dekhkar?" He asked with a raised brow ( Why? Didn't you like my presence here)

And before she could answer he further spoke "Maybe you didn't like me here, that's why you are not even inviting me inside." He said in a complaining tone.

Meera realized her mistake and held his hand dragging him inside while locking the door out of her habit. She poured water into a glass and forwarded it to him making him feel at home.

He took water and asked her to sit beside him "Mom said today it's some kind of Amavasya and as it's your first Amavasya after marriage, I should not leave you alone. So, we will be leaving tomorrow morning for our home." He said making a contended smile spread across her face hiding the fact that Adwait's call was also the biggest reason. She nodded at him understanding his words.

Later he went to the washroom to change while Meera lay on the bed with a smile. She was no more scared. Her protector was with her. And with him, she isn't afraid of the world but the world is afraid of her.

And as on cue, Aashrit came out of the washroom now changed into a black t-shirt and grey lower with his hair now spreading over his shoulder. She knew what was going to happen next as it has been their routine for some days now. Aashrit came and lay down on the bed with his head on her lap as Meera started massaging his head giving him relief from the hectic day. His forehead lines relaxed and his eyes closed on feeling her fingers working magic on his hair.

There were no words and only peaceful silence which was disturbed by the ringing of Meera's phone. She looked at the caller ID and attended the call on seeing Anu's name flashing on the screen.


" Meera come downstairs with Hukum sa for dinner," Anu told her and Meera cut the call saying yes.

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